(Part 1)

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It was a long day at school and the only thing you wanted to do was go home and just lay on your bed.
Class just ended you where about to head out of the classroom and you bump into a tall figiur, and then you realized... It was katsuki bakugou...
"I-im so so sooo sorry b-bakugou! I didint m-mean to!"you stuttered as you get up lending a hand to him.
"I realy didint mean to im so sorry!"you say as you dont want any more stress today.
"OI! stop your getting annoying!"He says as he bumps onto your side as he Walks away.


'FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! I fucking messed up the rest of my fucking day ugh!'You think in your head.

Bakugous POV:

'DAMN NERD UGH! Shes so annoying i cant!' he said in hes head.

On the way home as you get close to your house you start to hear noises  comming from your house, you run and get ready to fight whoever is in your house. But when you bust in you only see an open window, the person escaped.
You stoped thinking about it because there was nothing stolen or messed up in your house. And the fact you live alone couse your parents died in a car crash when you where at the age 5.
Since the car accident you learned to live without anyone because you didint even have any friends, only one... Well... You where friends w him at the age 3-10, he just disepered when you where 10. Hes name was Touya Todoroki, hes brother is in my class, Shoto todoroki.
"well... I shouldent think about him again or else i'll have those nightmares again..." you mumble to yourself as you lay on your bed.
When you where 11 you started having nightmares about Touya leaving you again even tho he havent seen him in ages since your 19 right now.
As you go to sleep you wake up at 2am hearing noises... And then a voise... You get up look around your room and cant see anything... The voise said "wake up little mouse... ~"
You still cant see anything or anyone in the room...
But you start to think someone new about your quirk and wants to kidnapp you...
You have never told your quirk to anyone, only the teachers at UA you get privet lessons when it comes to use your quirk cause no one can see it...
Your quirk is black fire... (if you dont like this quirk then im sorry but you can imagen another quirk of your choise:3)
You try to go back to sleep, and then 30 mins later you hear a voise again! You rush to open your eyes as you see a dark figiur in the dark. The voise said "wake up now little mouse... ~"
You scream "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO U WANT FROM ME!" You scream angrily at the dark figiur.
"oh little mouse... ~" he says with a crusty voise.
"im here to take you...~"the crusty voise says.
"TF!? NO YOUR NOT! IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU IF YOU COME CLOSE TO ME!"You scream as you have eyes full of fear... You get a dangores vibe of him.
"thats not for you to deside... Little mouse~"hes crusty voise said.
"W-what do you m-mean...!"you say with the same fear in your eyes as in your voise.
"now... Sleep... ~"he says with a calm voise.
"W-what.... I... I... I feel... Di-... Dizzy... "
You said as you fell asleep.

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