𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑒

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3rd person narrative

It's been 5 months since Corinne's first lesson with Athos,she was good at swordsmanship before she started and now she was just getting better.

They are currently in the middle of a lesson she was learning hand combat with a dummy that was used to train new musketeers "your sword was kicked from your hand what do you do"Athos asked leaning against the wall watching she sighs "i distract him by knocking him over and I grab my sword"she asked unsure she looks to her left he nods "that's good enough"he replies she smiles she looks back at the dummy infront of her "now practice what would happen if both swords were gone"he asked she let's out a breath while coming up with a plan in her head she takes a step back from the dummy she kicks the dummy in the side and throws a threatening punch to the face knocking it over "that good enough?"she asked picking the dummy back up he pushes off the wall and walks towards her "you would only stun him for a few seconds you wouldn't have time to get your sword"he said she huffs looking at him "I'm practicing on a goddamn dummy,how can we know that would happen"she says all in one breath he chuckles at her she sticks her tongue out at him "try again"he says Corinne sighs he walks back over to where he was before,leaning against the wall "I don't see the point of using a dummy"she mutters thinking he didn't hear but he did he smirks she throws to punches to the stomach then kicks its  side she then uppercuts it "there is that any better"she asked he nods he throws her a sword which she catches,she looks at him confused "what am I doing now"she asked he grabs one for himself and walks over to her he moves the dummy to the side "your going to practice on me,so I can pick out your flaws better"he said she looks at him shocked but agrees anyways she lunges at him which he blocks effortlessly he studies her fighting stance "Corinne,I thought I taught you to keep your feet staggered,hold your ground"he said she sighs and staggers her feet he lunges at her which she dodged,he goes to lunge at her again she blocked it she pulls away and kicks upwards his sword flies out of his hand she catches it,he looks at her astonished "you were saying about my flaws"she said smirking she throws his sword back to him "you need to remember to stagger your feet"he said she rolls her eyes he takes her sword and places them on a table she sits on the floor "come on,let's get to know each other,I'm curious"she said he looks down at her disbelief on his face,crossing his arms "I am not sitting on the floor"he said she glares at him and points to the floor her voice sour "sit.now"she demands he sighs defeated and sits across from her a gloomy look on his face,Corinne giggles which makes Athos' heart flutter "come on ask a question we've been doing this for 5 months and we know nothing about each other"she said eager to know things,Athos looks around the room thinking of a question "okay I have one,what do you do around here when your not here"he asked she sits crossed legged he's always wanted to know what else passes her time "I read or I draw"she replies she rests her head on her hand thinking of a question to ask him "hmm,whats your favourite thing to do"she asked he shrugs running a hand through his hair "I dont do much,besides teach you and being a musketeer"he said she looks down at her hands thinking again,her eyes looking at Athos through her eyelashes a few times "what's it like being a princess"he asked she looks up from her hands and plays with the tips of her hair "it's boring at times,I don't really talk to that many people besides you and Louis"she said she tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear she rubs her hands on her tight training trousers "there's all these rules I have to follow,every life choice is restricted,arranged marriages,suitors it's all a mess,one I can't get away from"she said she had forgotten Athos was in the room,she was just saying what her mind came up with her eyes staying on the floor "but there are good things about it,like seeing you having some fun,feeling normal"she said snapping out of her trance she gives Athos a small smile which he returns with sympathy visible in his eyes "anyways back to you,what was your first thought of me when we met"she asked smirking he didn't have to search he's mind to remember,because she reminds him every time he sees her 'she's gorgeous'he said in his head "I thought you would be difficult"he lied she smiles if only she knew what he really thinks of her,she's haunted his dreams for months teasing him about the fact he can't have her "what about you,what was your first thought of me"he asked she bites her lip the same went for her 'god,he's handsome'she said in her head he always looked handsome no matter what he wore "I thought you would be strict"she lied she giggled softly,they look at each other love clear as day in their eyes but they can't see it,even though it's only been 5 months their feelings grew day by day,they won't admit it to themselves "I don't know any more questions"she said frowning she flips her braid over her shoulder, "come on let's get back to the lesson"Athos said standing up he held his hand out to her she takes it their minds go crazy the minute skin touches skin,he pulls her up she blushes at how close they are,she falls into a trance they pull away from each other "lets try again with the feet"he said she nods he gets behind her he moves her left foot forward with his so that they were staggered her Breath hitched when he grabs her hips turning her slightly so her hips were in line with her feet he keeps his hands there for a few seconds before letting go "let's try again"he said he passes her a sword,and grabs one for himself he lunged at her she quickly blocks it and pushes forward,Athos stumbles backwards she lowers her sword waiting for him to get his balance back once he did she step forwards sending a hit towards him he blocks her she kicks him away he drops his sword she kicks it away and points her sword at him,she smirks "was that any better then before"she asked lowering her sword she was beaming with confidence,he nods he was proud of her "I guess that's it for today"he said picking the sword up.

Corinne walks to her room giddy,the memory of Athos' hands on her hips made her blush,she opens the door to her room she pulls her hair out of the braid it was in and ran her fingers through it,she sighs feeling frustrated the thought of Athos sends her butterflies she kicks off her boots,she throws her self into her bed she hears her door open she turns her head Louis lingered at her door "the cardinal recommends having a ball,I came to see your opinion"he said she immediately thinks of her dancing with Athos it made her heart flutter and her stomach flips "I think you should"she said he nods walking over to her she sits up the image leaving her head "tell me what are your true thoughts about Athos"he asks she looks at him surprised she shakes her head "I don't know what you mean Louis"she said he knew what he was doing,he was trying to get her to admit her feelings "I know how you feel about him Corinne,so don't try and deny it"he said she looks at him wide eyed her cheeks flushed he grins that's all she needed to do "how could you tell"she said avoiding his gaze tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear "it was easy,i know when you think about him because your cheeks flush and i can pretty much see that my sister is in-love"he said she bites her lip he was right she was in-love with him,she sighs frustrated again "maybe I am but it doesn't change the fact he's a musketeer"she said he smiles at her she had forgotten the fact he's the king he can easily allow it "Im the king Corinne I can let it happen"he said she shrugs her heart ached for him she needs to know if he feels the same way "do you think he has feelings for me"she asked holding onto a tiny string of hope he shrugs no one knows what Athos feels he doesn't even know himself "I guess we will find out at the ball"Louis said she nods he left her room leaving her with the idea of Athos loving her,it drove her crazy her mind came up with scenarios of what would happen between them,but she has to hope and have patience.

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