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the cafe was approaching way too fast for seonghwas liking, who was curled up on his bike, staring at the road ahead, but not even really registering what was coming his way.
just a few streets ago he had nearly ran over a cat cause he hadn't noticed it.

as soon as he saw the familiar red sign, spelling "illusion" in yellow on it, his stomach did a flip and he was tempted to make an u turn and just hide in his room, block hongjoong and forget about him.

the black haired was usually pretty scared of meeting new people, or anyone outside of his small group of friends, but this was a whole new level and it wouldve made him question things if it wasnt for his panicked state.

he parked the bike infront of the cafe, not daring to check through the window if hongjoong was already inside, but rather lowering his gaze to the floor and speed walking inside the cafe.
the way to the counter had become natural to him ever since he met yeosang, his feet carrying him there despite his laboured breathing and tightly shut eyes.

"seonghwa? everything okay? hey?" yeosangs voice made him look up and meet the worried gaze of his friend, bringing a little bit of ease to his mind.

it sounded fake even to his own ears, but yeosang didnt pry. the younger wasnt someone like yunho, always eager to know everything - he was much quieter and observant, trying to solve things the quiet and unnoticed way.

"you need anything? waiting for someone?"

"y-yes. meeting... someone." he was too scared to look himself, so he whispered: "is anyone with black hair and uh... a handsome face here?"

"I dont know about the black hair part but theres only one guy here and hes handsome... so." yeosang pointed at a table in the far back, where someone was sitting with their back to the counter.
it was a young man, broad shoulders, but quite short, blue hair complimenting the black shirt he was wearing. it wasn't really noticable from behind, but seonghwa was positive the guy had at least three buttons undone.

"thats- I think that him..."

before he would chicken out completely, seonghwa walked over to the table and waved at the man.

it was indeed hongjoong, now blue locks decorating his defined face handsomely.

as soon as he saw seonghwa, his lips curled into a grin and he waved back, pointing at the chair across from him.

"hey! you're here, how are you?"

seonghwa took a seat, nervously swallowing.

this was stupid. talking in person was hundred times harder than texting, the quick replies and snarkiness disappearing into thin air, leaving nothing but small talk knowledge.
it didnt help that hongjoong was so fucking attractive. like, actually everything he did was just so... aesthetically pleasing.

before the silence could stretch out even further, yeosang appeared and saved seonghwa.

"hi, what can I serve you today?"

"uhm... a late macchiato please."
seonghwa raised an eyebrow in surprise, hongjoong gave off more of a black coffee vibe, given his many piercings and laid back and cool demeanor. but maybe he was being stereotypical, he shouldn't judge someone from their looks after all.

"the usual for you?"

"y-yeah." squeezing out any sound at all left seonghwa with a scratch in his throat, but he was happy to be able to do anything at all - especially in the presence of this godly being, he could be proud of himself.

yeosang disappeared and hongjoong made it his job to start talking again.

"so... surprise!" he smiled cheekily and pointed at his hair, making seonghwa chuckle despite his nervousness.
"it's better than a piercing like that, after all", he mumbled. talking was easier now.

"oh yeah, but who knows - maybe that'll be the next surprise?"

hongjoong wriggled his eyebrows suggestively and seonghwa hit his arm slightly.

"then I'll do as I said and leave right away."

"awww noooooo!"

oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.

hongjoong pouted and it made seonghwas heart melt in a puddle of oh-my-god-adorable and weird feelings he didnt even know existed and fuck what if that was a sign he was falling for that giant (actually small, given his height) idiot-

"heres your order, I hope you enjoy."

yeosang was gone before seonghwa could even register he had been there, leaving behind two cups of his delicious coffee.

"wow, all black?", hongjoong commented as he noticed seonghwas drink.
the older nodded and took a sip, not minding the temperature.
as he set down the cup, hongjoongs eyes grew wide.

"you just- that was so hot and you just... drank it?", he stammered in disbelief.

it was kinda cute and reduced the panic inside the black haired to some tiny speck in a corner of his mind.

"I like the hotness", he mumbled.

"ohhhhh a masochist?"

"shhhhh!", seonghwa immediately jumped up and pressed his palm over the blue haireds mouth, preventing him from getting even louder. "you want everyone to hear that?!"

"mmmpffff sorry mmmffff."

seonghwa sat back down again and and took another sip, while hongjoong took one of his own coffee, nodding.

"your friend is a god, this tastes amazing!", he exclaimed, sparkles in his eyes.
he looked so pure, seonghwa wanted to take him home and wrap him up in a blanket and cuddle him and-

"oh yeah, he is."

dont get yourself distracted, dont think like that.

it went smooth from then on, the two taking and talking and ordering a new coffee and talking some more. around three hours had passed when they decided to go home, but not before agreeing on meeting up in two days - this time at hongjoongs apartment for a movie day.

"byebye!" seonghwa smiled at the shorter - he had teased hongjoong at least fifteen minutes about his height - and grabbed his bike, ready to leave.

"see you in two days, hwa."

the nickname sounded so beautiful from the lips of the blue haired, seonghwa nearly choked on air.

the next second, he actually choked on air.

because hongjoong got on his tip toes and left a kiss on his cheek, before turning and disappearing around the corner.

left behind was seonghwa, staring straight ahead, his cheeks tinted red, until yeosang walked out and asked him if he was okay.

"yeah yeah", he replied absentmindedly and got on his bike, making his way home.

his head was filled with hongjoong, hongjoong and some more hongjoong.

⁀➷ HeHeT yeosnac

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