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unknown [08:51]
good morning!
rise and shine!
good luck with your presentation!

you [08:56]
who wakes up at 8 I'm at the university-

unknown [08:56]
I wake up at eight
I've got nothing to do so

you [08:57]
tf how old are you

unknown [08:57]
I'm not gonna tell my age some guy who doenst even tell me his name hah

you [08:59]
😑 I'm seonghwa.

unknown [09:00]
cute name
I'm 22

you [09:02]
same age hm?

unknown [09:02]
pls can we get to know each other?
I need friends.

you [typing]
no I dont |
no I d |
no |
n |

you [09:04]

unknown [09:06]
nice foster thing to become friends
send a selfie 😃😃

you [09:06]
your typos are something else wtf-
also I'm not gonna go around showing everyone my face nope

unknown [09:07]
im gonna send a pic and then u pls

you [09:09]

unknown [09:10]

you [typing]damn you hot |damn y |da |d |

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you [typing]
damn you hot |
damn y |
da |
d |

you [09:13]

unknown [09:13]brb just gotta die

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unknown [09:13]
brb just gotta die

you [09:14]

unknown [09:14]
ouch that hurted

you [09:15]
who would've thought your personality has these looks ._.

unknown [09:15]

you [09:17]
you hot but annoying

unknown [09:17]
so u think I'm hot 👀

you [09:18]
damn lesson statts gtg

unknown [09:18]
byebye seonghwa 👋

[unknown] saved as [hongjoong]

- HeHeT yeosnac

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