What Happens In The Dark...

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Ken stepped outside the pizzaria and took a big breath of fresh air. It was a sunny, warm day, with just a little wind. The perfect day for a walk. Ken turned onto the sidewalk and started to wander down the block, his mind doing the same. After thinking about a building project for Minecraft, his thoughts turned to the animatronics. 'It's strange,' he wondered, passing by a parked purple car, 'Why is it that the new animatronics seem less lifelike than the old ones? Shouldn't they have better technology? It's almost like the old ones are-' Just then Ken heard a voice.
"We're pretty far away from Freddy's now... I-I miss my mommy, can't we back?" A little girl stuttered from a side alley. Ken glanced at her. She was accompanied by what looked to be a yellow version of Freddy, except its movements seemed clumsier than the animatronics back in the restaurant. "Don't worry, sweetie," the gold Freddy said in a muffled voice, "I'm sure your parents will find you eventually, but by then, it will be too late." The imposter proceeded to take off his fuzzy head, revealing a rough-looking man who obviously hadn't shaven recently. He removed the rest of the animatronic suit, much to the little girl's horror. He was wearing a long purple trench coat down to his feet, and smelled like mouldy cheese. He pulled a switchblade out of his pocket, and begun to advance toward the girl. "Stay still," he said, "this won't hurt at all." By this point the girl was crying buckets, and Ken decided he had to do something. He charged the man, knocking him over and sending his weapon flying. "Run!" Ken shouted at the girl, but she just kept crying, not moving an inch. "I said run! C'mon, run while I've got him distracted!" No response. "GOD DAMN IT RU-" he shouted, but he was interrupted by an object entering his ribcage. The man in the purple coat had recovered his knife and stabbed Ken in the side. He twisted the knife, twisted it the other way, then pulled it out. Ken stood in place, unable to move or speak. He fell to his knees, then fells face first onto the cement. The little girl had stained her green shirt with her tears, and was only crying harder now. "Well, well, well," He said dramatically, "We can't have any living witnesses now, can we?" He thrust his knife at the girl's chest, hitting her squarely in the middle of the chest. The girl only stopped crying to cough up blood now and again. The man took his knife and left, satisfied with his handiwork. However, not five minutes after he had left, another mysterious figure was in the alley, but this one was not human. He was a tall, skinny figure. He was black as night, other than the withe rings around his arms and legs. Three white buttons adorned his chest, a long, three-finger hand fidgeting with the top one. His mask wash probably white as snow at one point, but time had tinted it yellow. The mask was made in a perpetual grin, but the faded blue lines under the eyes told a different story. His rosy cheeks gleamed in the sunlight as he bent down to pick up the two bodies. He slung them over his shoulder and took to the shadows, remaining unseen as he made his way into Freddy and Friends' pizzeria and in the back room where all the spare parts were kept. At the moment, Ally Alligator and Kenny Kangaroo were sitting back here, after a parent noticed that they were endlessly repeating themselves. The mysterious figure begun to dismantle Ally, tearing off fabric and taking out devices vital to the proper functioning of the animatronic. Once a big enough hole ha been made, the figure took the little girl's body and gently laid it inside the hollowed out suit. The figure then placed Ally's head over the girl's, causing a fair amount of blood to come forth. The figure begun replacing all the parts, blood getting all over him. Finally he put the animatronic's shirt back on, and cleaned up all the blood and guts strewn around the floor. He had just started to unbutton the other animatronic's vest, when he heard something.
"A child and a teenager recently went missing. This was the last place they were seen, so we need to conduct a search." The figure quickly fled through a nearby door, one marked 'Basement: Keep Out'. But not before leaving something in the boy's backpack. Just as the door downstairs was shut, the one leading to the restaurant was opened. A worker gasped, and the police officer instantly started explaining the situation to his walkie-talkie, demeaning paramedics arrive immediately. They were there in five minutes, and had Ken on a stretcher and in the ambulance, sirens blaring as they sped to the hospital, desperate to keep his weak pulse going.

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