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"deku. we need to leave before she wakes up."

"are you sure? it may be too risky, now that she's here." midoriya wrung his fingers nervously.

"we don't have a choice. we do this every month anyway."

"you might go mad. she will know."

"deku, i said we don't have a choice!"


the next day was hell. y/n searched through the whole mansion, but couldn't find either bakugou or midoriya. she picked up her phone and dialed a number. after a ring, bakugou's angry voice rang out, "go away. i'm busy." she laughed at his voicemail and set her phone back down. just in case, she sent midoriya a message.

bakugou isn't picking up his phone and you aren't here either so i'm guessing you went out
take care :))

to her surprise, he answered her messages.

midoriya <3:
we're gonna be back soon
don't miss him too much ;)

she gasped, hurling her phone on the bed, bouncing softly as it landed. i don't miss him! what is he talking about? even as she had those thoughts, her heart was pounding quickly. she sighed, planning to just walk around the hallways instead and hoping to start a conversation with any other person she came across.

after walking around the mansion for almost 3 times, she finally saw them sitting in front of the fireplace. but something was off. bakugou had his head in his hands, looking nothing like the rude, arrogant, short-tempered person she'd first met at his doorstep.

he looked frightened. afraid. full of regret. y/n poked her head out of the archway and peered at them. midoriya looked up and once he saw her, his eyes widened. but not in surprise. in fear. bakugou noticed this and turned around to face her.

he darted forward, instantly backing her against the wall, strong arms pinning her tiny wrists down effortlessly. under normal circumstances, she would've been happy to be in a situation like this with him but he wasn't the bakugou she knew.

his red eyes had gone feral, his breathing ragged and uncontrollable. she heard the unmistakable snap of fangs lowering and a flash of white appeared in the corner of her eye. he lowered his mouth to her neck, and y/n was ready to face her inescapable fate ...

"KACCHAN !!" midoriya's shrill scream snapped bakugou out from his trance. she looked into his eyes and saw fear. real fear. then he dashed out into the night.

y/n slid down the wall, hugging her knees in both fright and relief. "what just happened ?" she shakily asked midoriya. "what happened to him ?!"

he lowered his head in shame. "kacchan is a vampire. every month, its a tradition for him to go to where his parents are living now, and also where my parents are, to kill a person from the village by sucking all the blood out of them. its something like revenge. to let his parents know that people around them are dying because they abandoned him. he still feels guilty though. killing people."

y/n's face paled. "tradition ? how long has this 'tradition' been going on ?"

"since he was 16."

"he still looks 16."

"he's actually not a lot older than that. he got bitten by his mother when he was 16 which stopped his growth."

"how could his mother do that ?!"

"his mother was a vampire who fell in love with a human man. however, her parents didn't allow her to marry a mortal. so she turned him into a vampire. then she realised that she was pregnant with him. when bakugou was 16, his fangs still hadn't developed. so she bit him, turning him into a vampire. he lost control of his power and went insane. he killed all 47 people living in this town. that's why this place is empty."

he killed everyone. so that thing i saw staining the steps of the staircase and the walls when i first arrived here... was indeed blood. a flurry of emotions overcame her, bringing her to her knees. bakugou. the person she thought she knew, was not what she thought he was. her hands trembled uncontrollably, reminding her of the time she was in his room.

she didn't want to admit it, but she'd never seen him go out during the day, the curtains in his room were almost always shut, the mansion was built out of stone and wood, and when she opened the door to his room on some nights, he wasn't there. just the window open and the light fabric of the dark curtains flapping in the wind.

y/n covered her mouth, stomach churning. midoriya panicked. "please don't be sick. the carpet will be a real pain to clean up."

she stopped feeling nauseous for a while to glare at him. "i'm on the verge of puking my guts out and the first thing you say to me is 'the carpet will be a real pain to clean up' ?" she couldn't help but laugh. i must be going mad ... this is a dream. this is a dream. this is a dream. when i wake up, i will be back in his arms. it was a dream she could not wake up from. it was reality.

the reality of her feelings crashed into her like a wave. she wouldn't, couldn't process it. bakugou was a vampire. a legendary creature of myth and secrecy. vampires were real. very real. and she was in love with one of them. then she passed out.

a/n: hehe boom boom boy is a vamp :D (not that y'all didn't know but oK)

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