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ah shit i'm lost again... y/n thought to herself as she walked down the dark street. all the houses were abandoned, streetlights flickering and water dripping down from broken pipes. why didn't the government ever bother to rebuild this place? 

honestly, the rat scampering past her didn't know either. she peered into one of the houses - normal looking with leather furniture and paintings nailed onto the walls wait... was that blood staining the steps of the staircase and the walls?! 

y/n shook her head. she must have been dreaming. or the darkness could've affected her already dimming eyesight.

she glanced at her watch. 0347. after visiting her parents and younger brother at the grave, she wanted to take a longer route back home but got lost in thought and also lost her way.

fuck... why isn't uncle looking for me? he should've noticed i wasn't home by now... not eating for at least 14 hours, her strength was depleting quickly as she tried to find her way back home. without her smartphone, she was as good as done. she had never been good at directions anyway.

y/n's stomach growled loudly. her face turned red, embarrassed, even though there was nobody around her except the pests scurrying around her. she was so desperate for food that she almost went to catch the mice and slow roast them with her quirk. thinking of all the garbage they would've eaten, she decided against it.

her quirk. despite being born with a supposedly strong fire quirk, her power was dimmed with her trauma. after that incident, she never dared to use her quirk again but...

a flash of light brought her sharp-eyed gaze upwards and her eyes landed upon a luxurious mansion, with antique lanterns hanging around the perimeter. moreover, she spotted an extravagant chandelier hanging from the ceiling in the entrance through the slightly frosted windows.

she desperately ran as fast as her tired legs could carry her to the mansion and decided to beg the owner for food. if the owner was rich, he wouldn't mind giving me just a morsel... right? she didn't want to dwell on the possibility of not getting a scrap of food. 

y/n knocked on the heavy wooden door but before she could ring the plain looking doorbell, the door got flung open effortlessly. right in front of her was a gorgeous and elegantly clad man with spiky blonde hair, completing the look with a disgusted scowl as he looked her over.

y/n blushed, knowing the state of her appearance was nonetheless unappealing to the beautiful man glaring at her. she gathered the courage and spoke up, "s-sir. um, may i-" before she could finish her sentence, she felt her head go light, then the faint throb of her skull as she hit the wooden floor. 

just as she was about to go fully unconscious, she heard the distant yell of the man. "DEKU!!"


hellooooo! welcome to my first ever fanfic. i really hope you guys like it and i'll try to publish a new chapter every week cuz my finals are coming up jsdgjkhsg

and also, all those words in bold that are not italicized will be my author's notes (a/n) enjoyy :))

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