Chapter 1: My First Trial

Start from the beginning

"It is alright, Phoenix. I am grateful you are at least 4 minutes here before the trial started" she said with a grin on her face, "Do you have everything you need for the trial? Don't worry, I made copies of everything just in case"

"I have everything! I even looked over everything before I went to bed! Though, I could barely sleep to be honest" I confessed to her nervously as I rubbed the back of my neck.

She smiled at me warmly as I showed her my bag filled with the evidence and other important material. She just let out a nervous laugh as I closed my bag.

"NO! I WON'T GO TO JAIL! I DIDN'T DO IT!" a familiar loud voice shouted as the bailiffs and police officers tried to hold him down.

"Wow. Is that your client? He seems very insisting on his innocence" Mia said surprised as she turned her attention to my client.

The bailiffs brought my client over to us as Mia let out an interesting gasp.

"Mia Fey, this is my client and best friend Larry Butz" I said nervously and with a weak smile as I presented my friend to my boss.

Larry is an old friend of mine. We go back to grade school. He takes a lot of random jobs to get by. He has orangish hair which flowed to the right side of his head. He even has a short stubble as well. He wore an orange jacket, simple white shirt, brown shoes, and long blue jeans.

"Nick! You've gotten prove I am innocent! I didn't do it! I don't even have the heart to kill a fly!" he yelled as he grabs onto my jacket!

"Please get off me! I'll do my best to prove your innocence! Just let go of me!" I said in a strained voice as I forcefully pulled him off me!

Larry wailed as he fell on the ground. Mia blinked a few times as I tried to help my client up and then reassure her that I could handle this case.

"Mr. Wright? The trial is about to start" a bailiff called as he opened the doors to the courtroom.

I gave him a serious expression and nodded my head.

"This is it, Phoenix. Are you ready?" Mia asked me seriously.

"Yeah. I can do this" I reassured her.

Courtroom 4

October 11, 9:15 AM

We went into the courtroom. I walked to the left side of the courtroom with my boss. We both stood at the defense bench as chief stood at my left side. Across from us was the prosecution bench. Both benches were light brown. There were two tables with green tops. Then, in the middle to the far left was the high judge chair. Behind the defense's and prosecutor's benches were the jurors. Then, we have the witness stand to the right of us. On the back left to the witness stand is the defendant's place. To the far right is a place where witness can stay. I placed my bag on the bench and took out some papers and my important evidence. I want to make sure I have access to it during the case.

"Ah! So, this is the new lawyer! He won't last the whole trial against me!" the prosecutor said with a chuckle of confidence as he patted his bald head.

He wore a tan suite and wore a pair of dark shades. He was kind of short in size.

"That's Winston Payne. He's known as the Rookie Killer among the prosecutors. Though, he really isn't much if I am honest" chief reassured me in a whisper.

I simply nodded my head. I was really nervous, so I couldn't find the words to speak! Calm down, Phoenix. You've reviewed the evidences and looked over the facts. You can do this. There was cough as we turned our attention to the judge's chair. The judge wore a black robe and was bald. He had a long gray beard. We saw the judge take his seat at the judge's seat.

The Turnabout of Hope Book 1: Establishing the Truth in Our LivesWhere stories live. Discover now