Setting Aim

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But not afraid.

no one else like me.



The moon feels good. gives me power, strength. Like my blades, crescent. The night gives me silence, concealment. I come for the Cyclops. He is an imbecile, predictable, loud. Why does everything have to be so loud. I know why, it is my heritage. Not my mothers, I have no mother. breaks her vow and I get punished. Yet, I have power. Not a bastard child but an only child. The first and the last, I'll be sure of that. i have the punishment but I am still the greatest of the hunters, not a follower but a form. I have inside of me the hunt, the hunters try to mimic it, they fail, they fall. I saw the war of New York, I took no part in it. My blades were clean that day, my hands were not. I sanctified that place, none can rise again. few know about me, thus I am formless, can not be predicted. I stalk my prey by stalking myself and beating me. I see the Cyclops, he is in a meadow, with a demigod, she is speaking, cant hear, fire to large, to loud, hate the loud. She is about 5'5 with blonde hair and blue eyes, white skin and blue tips of her hair. I steeled myself and got ready for the attack, but then something i have never seen happen before. A large, cool gust of wind went searing by and it put out the large fire that the Cyclops had prepared silencing the night, this is my time to strike. I leaped from the underbrush in witch I was hiding and flung my first volley of attacks, Celestial Bronze trowing crescents, about five of them at once directly towards the fiend. I heard the impact of four and heard just a second later the burrowing of the fifth one. I then pulled out my Cedar bow and nocted a crescent arrow, it is a shaft of wood that has been tempered over the fire of the making of imperial gold with the shape of a crescent moon on the end, I have two models, one with the crescent facing inwards and the shaft connecting with the far part of the arrow and the other one with the points facing away from the fletchings. I chose the later of the two to penetrate both a heart an a lung. I fired and the arrow seemed to hit its mark with the beast stumbling backward and losing it's balance as it fell, its soul damned to Tartarus. I came to see the dust settling but as I loomed over the pile of dust a gale tore it away."There." Said the no longer captive girl,"That's better." I turned, enraged that she blew away my salvation,"You don't know what you just cost me!" I screamed as loud as I could directly at her soul,"You have cost me everything I fight for and hope for your kind!". "I know not what you speak of but I have only banished him from this land for longer then if his essence had stayed in one place." I was seeing red in my rage and drew my sword, a Stygian sword made from Imperial Gold and steel from Hades realm, cursed to all who touch it but I bend the will of the metal to curse who I strike with it. "He may spawn again, I have not seen a cyclops in weeks and yet you take from me my salvation of banishing the hellish creature. I travel to save your kind and this is how I'm repaid? If i were not with the same curse as all of the rest of you then I would not bother but I have that and then more that has been staked. Who are you and who is your godly parent?" "My name is Sophie and I am daughter of Anemoi. Please, just tell me where camp is." She was starting to break, showing her desperation. "Which one?" I replied. Panic spread across her face in an instant. "C-c-Camp Half Blood, I think. That's what Riley told me. Th-The demigods go there." "How well can you use computers?" I asked. "Usually when I use them they start to freeze up and when I'm nervous they tend to occasionally explode violently." Usual for the more ancient gods. children of gods like Aphrodite or Hermes can have close to a 50-50 chance but things like gods of the winds are pretty volatile in general but especially with technology. "Well I was prepared for that, here is a GPS with the coordinates directly to Camp, also it shows your position and if you are in danger then you just press the button on the side and I will travel as fast as I can to your position. The GPS is designed by the children of Hephestus cabin, the design is originally by Leo Valdez, may the Gods rest his soul in the Fields of Aphostel. We found old blueprints in the bunker and the remains of Buford the Table and the Argo II. He had many revolutionary ideas that were for the well being of demigods, We only get one every century these days." "Well I'll remember that if I need it. Who are you the son of?" The question stung more than it should have. "I am just a lower demi-god, I am nothing of importance.". She came back with a response seeming as cool as her namesake,"The North Winds in January are warmer than you. You have a past that you will not share so I will not share mine. What should I say when I reach Camp?" She seemed to have collected herself now, seeming ready for any return on my part."Just say the hunter Jack sent you. That is all you need to know about me." I walked off into the forest, but the daughter of the East Wind just stood there, watching me as I struck off in the deliberate direction of camp. I did not need another one of Chirons talks to change my mind. he wouldn't. Ever...

The New Moon, Son of Artemis.Getting Settled.Where stories live. Discover now