about a week later

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Jonathans POV-

Its been a few weeks since me and Evan had started dating. To me it feels like we haven't really changed at all. we still hold hands and walk around with each other, you know the usual. The sad part is he doesn't want to kiss me in public. Hello umm WERE HOLDING HANDS. It couldnt get more obvious. I normally just shrug it off, but now its getting really difficult to do. "MOM, CAN YOU COME HERE PLEASE?!" i yell from my room as I'm pacing back and forth. The cracks the door open "yes dear" she says peeking her head in. I look at her and stop pacing, i was about to say something, but nothing came out. She opens the door fully and walks in and brings me into a hug. "Whats wrong sweetheart?" She says in a worried tone. "Its Evan mama, he doesn't want to let everyone know were, you know....dating" i say and sigh in sadness. "Aww, sweetheart you just have to give him time" she says. "Okay, i'll try" i say as we break the hug and hear a knock at the door. "I'll get it, can you make me a PB and J?" I ask as we start walking. "Anything for you" she says as we part our ways. I open the door and huh speak of the devil "Hey Evan" i say. He was faceing the other way, he turns around and looks at me he's panting, has scratches on his face, hair all messed up, shirt and jeans have rips, hands as red as a baboons butt. "Can i come in" he says really fast and he's looking around to see if theres anyone still trying to come after him. I step over to let him in and he runs in and slams the door and locks it. Evan looks down and takes and deep breath then put his back on the wall and slides down it"Evan, what happen?" I say as I sit down next to him. "I was walking to go get you something for our one week anniversary and while i was walking back..." Evan paused for a moment. Then my mom walked in. "Here you go jona- EVAN WHAT HAPPENED? DO YOU NEED ME TO CALL YOUR MOM? OH GOSH HOLD ON I'LL GO GET THE FIRST AID KIT!" she say. She droped my PB and J on the floor running over to Evan. "Well there goes my lunch." I say and look at it and frown. "Jonathan." Evan said as he reached for his pocket to get something. He gets it in his hand and with his free hand he grabs mine. He places what was in his hand in mine. I look at it and smile. I look at him "Two rings?" I say. "Yeah its so we know were each others and we love each other forever." Evan says as he takes one ring back and puts it on his finger. I do the same with the one he left. "Alright Evan let me clean ya up" my mom says. I step aside and let her do her thing as i stare at evan. He looks exhausted. I frown as i walk to my room "i will be right back." I say as I look at evan. Once im in my room I make my bed all comfortable and put some comfy sheets on it with some fluffed up pillows (I want that bed now, it seems relaxing) i get it ready for someone to get in. I walk back into the livingroom and my mom is putting the stuff back in the first aid kit. "Alright Evan you need to rest and take it easy for a few days. Got it mister" she says as she crosses her arms and stomps her foot. "Yes ma'am" he says as he trys to get up. I rush over to him and help him up. I put his arm over my shoulder and helped him to my room. We got to my room and i slowly placed him on my bed. He get comfy and i go to the end of the bed and take off his shoes then i walk back and lay with him. "Evan you never told me what happen" i say. "Can i tell you after i take a nap" he said as he turns to me and groans in pain. I frown at his pain. "Yes, now get some rest." I say as i start rubbing his head and about 3 minutes later he was out. Now that i think about it im kinda tired to. I get comfy and close my eyes. Evan you crazy kid. Then I let darkness take me.

(A/N have you ever realized i literally end all my part with them falling asleep? I hate that i do that but yet its kinda a good stoping point. But for real i should probably go to sleep im tired af. School has been long today and also i think i might like someone at school but im still trying to get to know him a little better. Anyways enough with me rambling about useless stuff. I will talk to ya later. :) later taters. Bye vaniriousallaince) ps what do you think happened to Evan?!?! >:)

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