Chapter 56- Heart To Heart

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He had promised that he only needed a couple more days, and then he would take her to Canada. She was fine with that. As long as she was going, and as long as she was with him. Maybe she was just out of her mind. Maybe she was just as crazy as he was, and maybe that was why she was starting to feel for him. What she was feeling, she wasn't sure yet. All she knew was that she had come to be more comfortable around him, and the night before, they had spent a great night together to replace the bad one.

They finally reached the house, and Katelynn walked inside first. Her hair was a mess, so she went to the bathroom to try and straighten it out a little bit. Once she was done with that, she walked back out into the living room, only to find him pacing. She cleared her throat, and he looked over at her, fear in his eyes.

"There's a problem."


Ciara looked around the room, gauging the reactions she was getting to what she and Reid had said. They had returned to the police station and instantly started setting up their whiteboard, and about five minutes after, they had shared everything they had found out with the team. Most of them seemed impressed that they were able to figure everything out so quickly, and Akilah just looked extremely proud of her partner. Rossi was the first to speak up.

"Okay, so now we know why the Whittles were murdered. They were abusive to their daughter, and someone noticed it and went bezerk, killing them and taking Katelynn, probably thinking he was saving her," Rossi said.

"Not just any someone. Kate-lynn probably has been the object of his affection for a long time, and when he saw how she was treated, he decided to teach them a lesson. That's why the Whit-tles were so mutilated. He was pissed at how they treated her, and he wanted to make them pay. And, in a way, he might have even thought that he was making them as ugly as they made Kate-lynn believe herself to be," Ciara explained.

"So we know why. What we need to know now is how to find him," Hotch said, and the team started passing around ideas. But Ciara knew how to find him.

"He'd be somewhere out in the country," Ciara interrupted, and everyone turned to her. "Sinclair is too small to hide a missing person. He'd never be able to keep her inside the town. So he has a place out in the country."

"Anything else to narrow it down?" Prentiss asked, and Ciara nodded.

"He's an outsider. He wasn't born in Sinclair, or if he was, he hasn't been around in a long while. The whole community decided to treat Kate-lynn like a social pariah due to her defect- that I'm still not sure what it is. But we can find that out later. Everyone believes the rumors her parents spread about her- everyone except someone who wasn't from here. Someone who didn't automatically trust May and Brent. Only an outsider could see through their lies," Ciara explained. For a moment, everyone was silent, before Hotch nodded.


"Yes, Hotch?"

"Find him."

"Yessir," she said, before pointing to Morgan and telling him to get Garcia on the line. Luckily, there was a screen there that they could use for a video call. Ciara much preferred video calls with Garcia then just voice calls, but that was a privilege that only Garcia got. It was the opposite with anybody else. As Morgan was setting up the call, Rossi walked over to stand by Ciara, gently putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Good job, little raven. We shouldn't have doubted you."

"Considering it was me who pretty much cracked the Errol Alvin case way back when, no, ye should not have," Ciara said, the corners of her mouth perking up.

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