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In what seemed like minutes a Hufflepuff prefect came to tell us to put on our robes because we were arriving at Hogwarts soon.
I took the uniform out of my backpack and went to the bathroom to put it on with Emmie. It took some time to tie the tie, but eventually with Emmie's help, we managed to do it.
When we went back to our compartments the train had already stopped. I lifted my backpack and trunk but Aries said.
"You can leave those here."
"Oh, right."
I placed them where I was seated, but took my phone out of my backpack and put it into one of the robe's many pockets.

As I stepped out of the train I felt the cold wind on my face. The kind of cold you feel on Christmas morning, or when you walk outside on an autumn night. It was a good type of cold.
"Firs' years! Firs' years come with me!"
A loud voice said. The voice was coming from a big, hairy man. Hagrid! He was standing alongside a girl who was looking down at her feet, as if she didn't want to make eye contact with anyone.
We followed him through a dark, narrow path until we saw the edge of a big black lake. On the other side of the lake was Hogwarts! It was just like the one in the movies but better! It was big and it had pointy towers!
"Oh my god!"
I told Leo, who was standing beside me.
"It's beautiful!"
He answered.
"Am I dreaming?!"
I said.
"If I am, I don't ever want to wake up."
Emmie said while leading us to one of the little boats in the water where Aries was already sitting. We sat and Hagrid said.
And like magic, all the little boats started moving. Well, it IS magic.
"Duck." Yelled Hagrid and we all bent down so our heads didn't hit the cliff. I couldn't see where we were going the rest of the way there because it was too dark. Until we reached an underground dock. Then we walked a little more and found ourselves in front of the huge front door. Hagrid knocked 3 times as if it was a secret code.
A wizard opened the door, he was wearing dark-blue robes and looked happy to see us there.
"Thank you Hagrid." The wizard said.
The hall was big enough to fit an entire house in it, and there was a beautiful marble staircase leading to the upper floors.
"I'm pretty sure that's a fire hazard." Leo whispered to me pointing at the torches that lit the hall.
"Shhh." A voice came from behind us.
The wizard led us to an empty, small room where we waited until he said.
"Welcome! My name is Professor Longbottom, I am the herbology teacher here at Hogwarts and the head of Gryffindor house."
I am standing in front of Neville Longbottom! I nudged Leo and when he looked at me I mouthed the words 'It's Neville Longbottom.' He nodded quickly and mouthed 'I know right.'
"Before the start-of-term banquet you will be sorted into your houses. Your house is like your family at Hogwarts. You will have classes together, the same common room and dormitories. There are four houses. Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Depending on your actions you can win, and you can lose points to your house. At the end of the year the house with the most points is awarded a house cup."
The girl that joined us at the station whispered something in his ear and he nodded. He then looked at us and said.
"Form a line and follow me to the Great Hall."
I got into line behind the girl that joined us at the station and Leo stood behind me. We walked out of the room, across the hall and Professor Longbottom looked back at us, making sure we were all there. He then pushed the double doors into the Great Hall.
Oh my god! It was magnificent. Candles were floating in midair and the ceiling was even more beautiful than described in the books, you could see the sky illuminated by hundreds of stars. There were 4 long tables, where all the other students were seated. In front of them golden plates, cups and cutlery shone. At the other side of the hall was another long table where the teachers were seated. I recognized the dark-haired witch, who was standing next to a stool and the Sorting Hat, as Headmistress McGonagall. Professor Longbottom led us to the front of the students, who were all looking at us. In between them a few ghosts floated.
The Sorting Hat was indeed ugly, it was dirty and you could see that it had been stitched more than once. The hat opened its mouth and began singing.
"You may think I'm just a hat,
And not a pretty one in fact."
My phone started buzzing, oh no. Then it started ringing, how did I forget to put it on mute? I quickly put it on mute but it was too late. It wasn't loud enough for everyone to hear, but Headmistress McGonagall clearly heard it and started walking towards me. She extended her hand and I hesitated before taking the phone out of my pocket and placing it on her hand.
I looked at Leo, who was standing next to me and mouthed the words 'My phone' he nodded and I whispered
"My mom will get so worried if I don't call her tonight."
"Do they not allow phones?" He said.
"I don-"
"Mm-hmm" McGonagall said, looking at Leo and I, and we stopped talking at once.
"Thank you." She said coldly.
I noticed that the hat had finished it's song.
"When I call your name, you will come put on the hat to be sorted."
She unrolled a long roll of parchment and called
"Anderson, Leonard!"

TruthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora