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Chapter Six


Willow used the two remaining days to gather supplies that she and Sarah were going to need once they were away from the amp and the wolves. While she was heating the water for the Alpha's laundry she saw an extra grey dress that all the slaves wore and took it off the line slipping it in with her masters clothes. She knew that Sarah was going to need something to cover herself once she was out of the cage. She also knew that the slaves were mostly ignored as they walked through the camp. They could easily get from the cage to the med tent unnoticed if they were both dressed as slaves. As she put the clothes away she stashed the dress under her dog bed and went about her daily chores, her eyes open for other things they would need.

She pilfered what she could from the kitchens while helping slave 352 prepare the meals. While chopping carrots she slipped several cans of things into the giant bag of flour that sat near her feet. She brought her attention back to the chopping board and trie to convince herself that everything was normal. She could feel the older wolf's eyes burning holes into her back and was grateful when the slave turned and bent back over the pot on the stove and began to stir whatever she was cooking for the elite wolves that would be coming to the packhouse that night for dinner.

Blankets were easy to get as she shoved two small blankets under her bed with the grey dress. A long combat knife that actually frightened her joined the food inside the flour bag. This she had gotten off of Markus when he had cornered her near the stream that afternoon. As his hands roamed her body groping needily at her flesh, she gently lifted the knife from the band at his waist and dropped it to the ground kicking it under a pile of leaves. She had no idea how they were getting out of the camp but Grant had told her that she needed to trust him, he would find a way to get them out. She knew that he was doing his own preparations to leave as well. Every time she thought about Grant she felt guilty about the fact that they were going to have to leave him behind.

She went through the packhouse that night gathering all the stolen items and exited through the kitchens. Staying to the forest line between the stream and the patrolling soldiers she made her way to the med tent. Grant was waiting for her inside and she entered as he was putting his own survival items into a bag. Flashing her a smile he tossed her a bag to put her own items into. As they packed they spoke lightly about what was about to happen.

"Are you carrying the extra things for Sarah or am I ?" He talked animatedly as if their escape was the most fun he'd had in a long time. She informed him that due to the fact that he was carrying all the medical supplies she would be carrying Sarah's meager supplies with her.

"What about the meds for Sarah? Does she still need to take them once we are away from the camp?" She couldn't help but worry about her friend.

"Going through the change this late in life is hard on the body and the mind. I don't think that on the run is a great place for her to start that particular journey. It'll hurt a lot and she might not be able to survive it. She needs to be stronger before we bring out her wolf. I have a few month's worths of medicine. It should give us enough time to get someplace safe and then we can introduce your friend to her wolf." He continued to move from cabinet to cabinet emptying medical supplies into his bag.

"And what of your plan to get us out of here?" She was most nervous about how they were going to get away from the wolves as opposed to what they were going to do once they were out.

"I have a plan in place." Grant was nonchalant and didn't say more.

Having finished the packing for the day Willow once again slipped passed the guard and headed to the last cell in the cage. She was quiet in the cool darkness as she made her way back. The other occupants in the cage were also quiet, only their ragged breathing and a sniffle here or there could be heard. Willow thought that maybe they knew something was coming, something big. The thought made her inside squeeze as she listened at Sarah's door for sounds of Markus or any other wolf. Hearing nothing she slipped inside and gathered her candle.

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