Chapter 10

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What have I done?'

Delacy stood there, exerting heavy breaths as her world turned into turmoil. She had thrown a bucket of water on Calcifer. The little fire demon who had been considered a dear friend, to save a woman she didn't even like. Howl. She probably killed him too, she thought. Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes, but she didn't have the chance to weep them. As Calcifer grip on the small castle began to weakened. A loud ripping sound was heard, Delacy, Sophie, and Markl looked around the room as a large tear ripped its way through the centre. Breaking apart, both Delacy, Sophie and Heen found themselves separated from the others.

Looking from the floor and then upwards towards Markl, Delacy raised an arm upwards either to warn the boy to stay clear or to balance herself, she didn't know at that moment, perhaps to do both. But a loud scream shocked her, soon she discovered the scream was coming from herself and Sophie, as the floor fell from under them.

"Delacy!" Markl screamed from the edge of the castle floor, tears falling as he reached for both Delacy and Sophie. "Sophie!"

"Markl!" both of the girls screamed as they fell.


Miraculously, both girls and Heen had survived the deadly drop down the dark narrow canyon. Finding herself laying on her side, Delacy rolled onto her stomach before she pulled herself onto her hands and knees. She kept her head bowed, her forehead pressed against the ruble. She could hear Sohpie somewhere behind her softly moving around. Heen also could be heard coughing gently and huffing, his little feet tapped rapidly as he moved to each girl to make sure that they weren't hurt. But Delacy paid no mind to Heen or Sophie. Moving to sit, Delacy looked at the ruined castle, her arms laid loosely by her side. Heen coughed next to her, trying to gain her attention. Another rustle appeared on the other side of her, as a gentle hand was placed on her shoulder, rubbing her back. Slowly, Delacy began to speak.

"What have I done..." She uttered tears in her eyes. "I poured water on Calcifer. I must've killed Howl!" Burying her face into her hands, Delacy sobbed, as pain and fear ripped through her body.

"Shh," Soothes Sophie, bringing Delacy's form into her arms. The two women sat there, with Sophie comforting Delacy with soothing words and gentle pats on the back. It wasn't until Heen had wandered off and returned did the girls take notice of the dog when he began to cough urgently. With his snout, he pointed at Delacy's ring, which had begun to shoot a blue light.

"It's moving!" came Sophie's amazed voice.

"Howl might still be alive," sobbed Delacy, wiping another fallen tear away. "Will you show us to him?"

Again, the bright blue light shot off, the three companions followed the light which pointed to fallen rubble. Pushing away from the fallen logs, they found the front door.

"Its the front door!" Cried Delacy, excitedly, the light pointed at the door. And so, she opened the door and to hers and Sophie's amazement they weren't greeted by the rock face that the door leaned upon, but instead, they were faced with a black hole.

Startled by the portal, both Delacy and Sophie stared at each other, wondering where this black-hole would take them. Raising a still shaky hand up, Delacy watched as the blue light from the ring pointed into the hole. But yet, both girls were still frightened about the unknown that was the hole. Huffing in annoyance, Heen coughed before walking into the portal. Looking at the place where the dog once stood, it was Sophie who pushed one hand into the black hole, feeling it being swallowed.

Huffing in a breath, Delacy let out a shaky laugh. "I can't believe I'm about to do this." Looking at Sophie, the young witch smiled. "Let's go."


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