The school feild trip part 4

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Your POV:

I was starting at the ceiling, with Tyler's thoughts in my mind

'I'll be attending Hunter University!'

'Why, why out of all people did he have to transfer?!'

I was having mental battles


I snapped back to reality and saw killua standing over the couch


"I can tell you can't sleep, so let's go"

I looked at him in confusion

"Go? Go where?" I said

He smirks

"You'll find out" he said

I then nod

I get out of bed and follow him downstairs

'I wonder where he's talking me' I thought

We walked outside and the cold breeze and the smell of pine filled the air.

We walked for a while, over logs, stepping on sticks, it was basically a forest

"Killua how far is this place?"

He looked back at me

"Sit tight okay? We're almost there"

I nod


A couple of minutes go by and we finally reach the place

It was...


My eyes lit up in shock

There was a waterfall connecting to a pool sized lake, the whole area was surrounded by trees, the 'Shore' was make of a mix of sand and big rocks.

"Killua.." I said

He smiled

"You've had a rough past 2 days, I think you deserve this" he said

I couldn't stand it anymore So... I hugged him

He seemed shocked at first, but did hug me back.

"It's pretty huh" he said

I nod

"It is indeed"

"Wait, I wonder, when do we have to be back?" I said

"Well it's like 4:30 am, so not for a while atleast"

"Oh I see"

He smirks at me


He then pushes me into the water, getting my clothes wet

"What was that about?!" I yell

He starts laughing

I then start chasing after him

"Get back here!" I yell

He stopped

I stop, almost falling over

He was...looking at someone?

I peaked over his shoulder to see what he was looking at

"Hey (y/n). Didn't know you were here" A familiar voice said

I knew that voice

It was Tyler, agian.

Killua then turned around and picked me up, bridal style

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