The school feild trip part 3

Start from the beginning

"Like hell, did you forget we broke up, a long time ago?!" I yelled at him

He placed his hand on my cheek

I slapped it away

"Leave my alone" I say

"Oh come on (y/n), don't be like that!" He said, grabbing my waist

His grip was to tight for me, so I bit him to let me go

"No means no Tyler, leave me alone" I said

He was getting angry

"You little slut! Come here!" Now he was trying to attack me

He had me pinned and was trying to kiss me

I kicked him in the, you know, sensitive spot

He groaned in pain

I stared running back twords the house

He was now chasing me

He eventually caught up to me and grabbed my wrist, it felt broke

I yelled in pain, his grip alone just broke my wrist

"Now listen and be a good girl!"

I thought I was doomed


"Hey asshole! Don't you know the definition of the word "No"?!"

I knew that voice

"" I mumbled

Then Tyler let go of me and ran

I fell to the ground, crying

Killua walked over to me and picked me up

"Was that Tyler (y/n)?"

I nod

I wipe my tears with my shirt

"I'm taking you back inside, we'll talk later when your wrist is healed" he said


He started walking towards the cabin

The walk there was pretty silent

Then we made it to the cabin door

"Can you walk?" He said

"I'll try" I said

He then put me down

I was able to walk, but I was in a lot of pain

"I'll help you upstairs" he said

I nod

We started walking in and he had his arm around me, to make sure I didn't fall

'Why is he doing all this? Wasn't I the one who hurt him? Shouldn't he be yelling at me right now?' I thought

The Who situation was crazy, and very confusing to

We walked past gon and Akis room

Killua gave them a 'don't disturb I'll explain' type of face, it seemed like they understood

We made it to the room and he sat me on the bed

"I'll go grab ice, stay here" he said

Killua then walked out of the room

'This is weird, why is he helping me?'


Killua came back with the ice pack, a wrap, and some pain meds

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