It hurts

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The sound of lightning cracking was deafening as she stood frozen in shock, knowing she should move but unable to do so.
Zuko, not expecting this turn of events, barely manages to jump in front of her before his unstable sister's lightning struck the girl who changed him.
"No!" His cry cuts through the air as he takes the strike into his own body.
Not properly grounded, the bolt tore through his body, gathering in his chest near his heart before finally passing through his other arm to break apart the sky.
His body hit the ground hard.
Feeling the burning in his chest, he curled in on himself in pain before laying back, knowing he had to get up but not having the strength to just yet.

Finally sapping out of her daze, Katara couldn't believe what happened.
"Zuko!" She cried out and made to rush to him to save him as he had her.

Azulas crazed laughter and fire stopped her in her tracks. She was Not about to let little Zuzu live.

Desperate to get to Zuko before it's too late, Katara had no choice but to fight the demented princess and stop her.

" I'd really rather our family physician look after little Zuzu if you don't mind!" Azula called from a roof top just to the right of her.

Calling water from a drain, Katara sent a hard wave at her...but the princess was no longer there.
Katara barely manages to dodge a blast of as Azula appears to her left.

The two powerful benders fought for what Katara felt was hours but in reality, it was only twenty minutes.
Twenty minutes that Zuko couldn't afford.
Once Katara outsmarted Azula, by chaining her to a grate, she ran to Zuko's side, praying to any God that was listening that she hadn't been too late.
Reaching him, she gently turned him over from his stomach, shocked at the still hot wound in the center of his chest.
Using both hands covered in water, she placed them on the injury to heal it.
Closing her eyes and forcing all her energy into the water as it glowed bright blue, Zuko gave a grunt of pain and than sighed in relief.

Tears started rolling down her face upon hearing this and she smiled.

"Thank you, Katara" he said softly with a weak smile.

"I think I'm the one who should be thanking you" she said.

Helping him to his feet, they looked on with heavy heart's as Azula broke completely. Her screams and agonizing cries will stay with them for years afterwards.
Zuko's heart broke seeing his younger sister shatter like glass. Wishing he could have saved her too, no matter how much she wronged him and those he cared for.

Pain ripped through his chest leaving him breathless for a moment, he leaned on the water bender beside him.
"I'm sorry, I'll be able to stand on my own in a minute. It just hurts." he gasped.

Katara, more than strong enough to hold him with the adrenaline still rushing through her veins, just held on to her now friend.
"I know but I've got you till then"

He gifted her with a rare but beautiful small smile and let her lead him to the palace.

Now to wait and see if their friends had successfully put an end to the reign of terror that Ozai had caused.

It was going to be a very long night for both of them......

My very first chapter!

Hopefully I can get another one out soon if you guys like it. I know it's a little dull but it will get better I promise! Much love!

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