"We can't be late so we have to hurry." Chaeyoung throws some clothes at her friends as she was searching in her walk in closet. "I'm worried." Tzuyu uttered while checking the clothes thrown at her. Chaeyoung, on the other hand, knows what the younger was talking about. The size... "I am offended." Chaeyoung said adding, "But don't worry I have some oversized clothes here. You can choose." Chaeyoung joked and let the youngest to choose her own fit for the fest later. Dahyun wore what she likes as well so easily as her size is not far from the younger's.

The three of them arrived at the rumored school so early. Deokseong high is filled with booths on the open grounds. Students are all welcoming as well. "Disciples, where do we head now?" Dahyun asks her two younger friends. Sooner, the campus is getting more crowded than before and it is getting dark too. They can't recognize other visitors, and concluded they are from different schools. Chaeyoung wanted to look for the student council president but she's certain that the person's busy at this moment. They decided to pass by the booths, and have a glimpse of foods served for free tastes. The first set of booths are too dull and bland, students over there explained that those are just appetizers for the main theme of their food festival. Once they stepped on the main section of the festival located in the right part of the campus, they'll meet these marvelous booths. "World in a Day." Dahyun read the sign hanged on the entrance way. Each booth has different vibes, representing different countries that are offering some fine foods. Tzuyu invited her friends to try all of the booths, and enjoy each countries' cuisine. Dahyun suggested something opposite to Tzuyu's, she invited her friends to meet some pretty girls. "We can part ways though. Let's just meet at the school entrance after the festival." Chaeyoung had also a plan in her head. Dahyun and Tzuyu agreed to that so they ended up parting each others' ways.

Chaeyoung observed how Dahyun was found talking to someone that easily while Tzuyu is just trying every food that was served in front of her. This place is absolutely wonderful. It's like when you take one to two step, you'll arrive at another country. Chaeyoung was just walking slowly, enjoying the view as if she's in a music video when someone approached her from behind. "Hi!" Chaeyoung turned around to see a group of girls smiling at her. Chaeyoung didn't hesitate to greet the girls back with enthusiasm, they even shook hands. "What school are you from?" One of the girls asked. "Ehwa University..." Answered by Chaeyoung, the girls giggled after and told her they are students here in this school. The latter doesn't know what to respond so she just told them she was invited by their student council president, and she brought her friends as well. She heard one of them complimenting her voice in a flirty way. "Can we take a picture?" One girl pulled her arms forcefully for a picture, taking a lot as she's snapping endlessly. The other girls are also asking to take selfies with her, making her a bit irritated at that time but of course she didn't show that she is instead, she just flashed a thin smile. "Can we get your phone number? SNS?" She can't take the girl's questions anymore, and the skinship's getting more and more irritating for her. She wanted to combust but that would leave an impression to the students here; Ehwa students are not approachable? Something like that. Chaeyoung gently removed their hands away from her and attempts to run away until she reached that one booth and tried to hide from them. She pretends to order something, while catching her breathes. "Takoyaki... Please..." She asked. She just realized she's in the Japanese booth. The students working there told her to sit on her desired table. Luckily, the girls have lost their track in finding her so she left a deep sigh. She bided her time, patiently entertaining herself as she used her phone and planning an escape to find her friends. Later on, someone serves the takoyaki formally. The one who served it caught Chaeyoung's attention so she lifted up her head.

'What am I feeling right now?'

'Calm down Chaeyoung...'

'Is this even real? Am I dreaming?'

It's Me and Her | SaChaengWhere stories live. Discover now