Chapter 3

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At the tower,

Jonathan helps get me out of being paralyed, It hurt a little "How are you feeling?" "Much better, thanks." I started to feel better where I actually could move. I got alert from the others they needed help from the bridge as moths were eating "We're gonna need backup." said Cy, I looked at Superboy, He nodded his head yes "We're on our way!" Me and Superboy head out before someone contacts us, "Don't bother even if you defeat a few of my children, you won't be able to stop me from releasing the entire swarm." Killer Moth shows more of the rest, Me and Superboy gasped "Unless you want your city reduced to a moth-eaten wasteland. You'll do exactly what I say."

"What do you want?" I glared at him "My demands are simple: the city will declare me as ruler, The New Titans will surrender and Robin... Will take this lovely young man to a junior prom." Killer Moth told us the demands as then a young boy appeared on screen

"Hi, Robbie Pooh." I was confused as heck right now

"Um... What was that last part again?" I was still confused as what the robins is going on right now "Robin, Who is this boy and why he call you poo?" I cringed a little at what Jonathan was saying, "His name is Kitt, and you will take him to prom!"

"So, this prom is some matter a fight, Yes?" Superboy wondered, I cutted in, "It's not a fight, Supers. It's a date." I pointed out to him, Superboy gasped like worried, "She does not accept! Do you hear me, Robin does not accept!" I grabbed Superboy and took him in the hallway "We're gonna need a minute."

In the Hallway,

Jonathan started to walk around angrily, I contacted Cy to see how the situation is "Cy report, How bad is it?"

"BAD! Can't hold them off for much longer! If you're gonna do something, do it quick!" I focused on what Cy was talking about and I knew I had to do this for my team "I have to do it." I spoke, "WHAT?!" Jonathan was surprised by what I was agreeing to right now "It's the only way to save the bridge. The only way for us to stop Killer Moth."


"I have to, Jonathan. No matter how much I don't want to, and I really don't want to." I went back to the main room.

In the Main Room,

"Do we have a deal?" Killer Moth asked if I agreed to take the boy to his prom, "I'll take boy to prom." I answered back "Don't tell me, Ask him."

"You gotta be kidding-"

"DO IT!" Killer Moth demand to asked the boy to his stupid prom, I hate myself for doing this stuff right now. I sighed "Kitt, was it?" He meowed, "Right... Will you go with me to the prom?" I asked "Oh, Robbie Poo! I never thought you would ask!" Kitt was so happy and surprised, I glared.

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