Chapter 1: Panic

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I had woken up with dark circles around my eyes feeling worse than I did before I had gone to sleep. Or maybe not worse, the feeling of nausea had subsided. I’ll take that as a good sign.

No, I’m not sick per se. It's just my first day of college today. New place, new people, new experiences, ….

Oh god, I need to puke again.

I sat up on my bed, only to find a little problem had grown in between my legs.

What the fuck?

I don’t have time for this…

What did I even dream about to have such a reaction?

A sudden image flashed before my eyes. Me writhing and panting under a body mercilessly pounding into me from behind...
I gasped and threw my head back in alarm which, of course, resulted in me banging my head in the bedpost. Well, at least it successfully got rid of the imagery.

Too late though, my tiny problem had become a significantly bigger problem now.


Since when had I become so horny?

Aren’t omegas supposed to be innocent, pure little things?

I’ve had this conversation with myself before and it always ends the same way.

Something, something, my eternal longing for a mate.

I turned 18 last month but still haven’t found my mate. I don’t know whether that’s a good thing or bad.

Everyone is excited to meet their mate but I’m more afraid of being rejected. If they do end up rejecting me, I won’t blame them for that. The way I am, I’d reject me too.

I’m a male submissive omega, girls don’t want that. They prefer strong masculine men, men who can protect them, who can breed them well and raise their children. At least that’s how it is in my pack.

That’s why everyone is convinced I’ll have a male mate since I’m “only as good as a girl anyway”. I don’t mind being called a girl, girls are god‘s most beautiful creation. To me, it's a compliment, not an insult. Admittedly I am a bit feminine too but despite what everyone believes, I’m not gay.

I bet the moon goddess knows my preferences and I trust her not to put me and another man through the trouble of being mated to each other under such circumstances. But that just brings me back to my original problem, no girl would ever want me.
This is why I think not finding my mate might be a good thing.

It’s better to at least have hope that there is someone out there who is meant just for me and will love me for who I am, as opposed to meeting someone with these high hopes in my heart and getting rejected. I don’t think I’ll be able to recover from that. I hate myself enough already, this would just act as the last straw on the camel’s back. It might even finally give me enough courage (or pain) to go through with my suici….

“NOAH!” mom’s voice jolted me out of my thoughts. She was right outside my door. If she came inside right now and saw me she’d know I was over thinking again. She worries about me enough already, I don’t need to add more to it.

“Yes, mom?” I called out, trying to keep my voice steady, to let her know that I’m awake. She doesn’t need to come in and see me in such a disgraceful state.

“Sweetie, are you ok?” Turns out I wasn’t all that successful in hiding my emotions. I should’ve expected it though, I’m a failure at everything anyway. I took a deep breath:

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