Chapter 8

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Fire poured (get it? I know I suck) from Todoroki's right, hissing as it made contact with the ice vapour on the ground. Izuku and Todoroki stared at each other, the crowd watched in silence. Present Mic was for once, lost for words. Aizawa was shaken, not expecting this.

"Something is about to go wrong.." He muttered. 

Todoroki had a crazy grin, that reminded Izuku weirdly of Endeavour.

"Arigato, Kamado."

Aizawa stood up suddenly and yelled into the microphone.

"Cementoss! Midnight! Stop them!"

The two on the battlefield rushed at each other. Flames rushed at Izuku while ice crept on the ground.

"Breath of Night: NIGHT CALM!" Izuku shouted. (yes. I created a breath uwu)

A gigantic wave of darkness followed the blade's movement. Cementoss put up multiple barriers between the two, yet everyone knew it would not be enough. The two clashed, causing a massive flash of white, blinding everyone.

"WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" Present Mic yelled, recovering his voice.

The dust cleared, Midnight coughing dust. She looked around, waving her whip. A figure lay on the far right side of the arena/gym. Izuku was spread-eagled with cracks around him. He fell to the ground. A few teachers whisked him away to the medical bay.

Midnight sighed.

"Kids these days.." She shouted to Aizawa. "Todoroki wi-" She faltered. Todoroki was lying on a pile of ice, but his feet had already left the barrier.

She waved and crossed her two hands. Aizawa nodded.

"No one wins this round, as both competitors are off the battlefield. We will proceed to the next match shortly."

The crowd groaned. How climatic was it to suddenly be stopped by Aizawa with one sentence? Meanwhile..

"You BAKA!" A girl stormed into the medi-bay.

Izuku grinned. 

"Nice to see you too, Aoi."

"You idiot, why did you have to do that?! You could've just defeated him earlier."

"It was for the best, Aoi." Izuku protested.

"Hmph! I don't believe that! Look at you, all injured. How is this for the best?!" Aoi argued.

"Eheheh.." Izuku rubbed his head. (I suck at writing tsuderes.. sigh

"Hey Aoi?" After a minute of silence, Izuku spoke up.


"I'm sorry, can you forgive me?" Izuku pleaded.

"No." She turned away. Izuku smirked, and touched her hand.

"Please?" Aoi was evidently turning red. 

"Please?" Aoi stood up.

"I'm going to get you something to drink. Be right back." Aoi quickly exited.

Izuku pulled the curtain next to him.

"Nice to see you again, Todoroki."

Todoroki.. smiled? It looked like a smile at least.

"I must thank you, Kamado."

"Izuku's fine. Glad to know I burst your thermometer, get it? I know, I suck." Izuku grinned. Todoroki fist bumped him.

Special request for Izuku x Aoi, served with edgy ice!

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