Chapter 1

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(I don't own BNHA or Kimetsu No Yaiba.)

"Get out... GET OUT!" Izuku's dad, drunkedly shoved Izuku.


"You weak ass... can't carry my legacy... quirkless... shit." Hisashi muttered, his words slurred due to the overdose of alcohol. Izuku's mum watched on, keeping silent. As much as her heart ached, she couldn't help Izuku. That would lead to undesirable consequences.

"GET OUT!" Hisashi accidentally activated his quirk, burning Izuku right in the face. (Now he has a scar similar to Tanjiro's)

Izuku ran out, fighting the urge to cry out in pain. The burning sensation on the top left of his face did not help with the fact that he was just kicked out of his own home by his dad. HIS DAD. Izuku ran to a nearby park. When he was younger, they would always come here, playing with Kacchan, but now, that was no longer possible...

Izuku sat on a bench. What must he do now? People walked by him, barely sparing a second glance. Izuku's head drooped down, what did he do to deserve this? Being lost in his own thoughts, he didn't realize someone approaching him. Until the person placed a hand on his leg.

"Eh?" Izuku looked up. A girl younger than him was holding a piece of bamboo in her mouth was looking up at him.

"Who.. are you?" Izuku asked. The girl looked back. A guy, his brother was running after her.

"Nezuko! What did I tell you about distracting strangers?" The brother grabbed Nezuku and bent down. The brother was carrying a large wooden box with a kitsune mask to his face's side, with a sword in his belt.

"Don't do this again, okay?" Nezuku nodded. (Imagine chibi Nezuku nodding.)

The brother noticed me.

"Why do you look so miserable? Where are your parents? You shouldn't be alone so dark you know?"

Izuku broke down. The brother stepped back, surprised.

"What's wrong?"

"Mommy... and.. Daddy.. don't want... me... I... awm... quiwkless...." Izuku sobbed.

"Quirkless?" Izuku nodded, rubbing his eyes.


"A quirk is a superpower?" Izuku nodded.

"I don't have a quivk... so Daddy and Mommy... don't want me..."

The brother looked mad, "What kind of parents are they? To abandon their kid like that..."

The brother looked lost in thought, until he smiled and looked at me. "Hey kid, what's your name?"


"Well Izuku, my name is Tanjiro Kamado, this is my sister Nezuku Kamado. Do you want to come with us? We're going for an adventure!"

Izuku's eyes shined. "Really..? You want me..? Daddy say no one will.. want me... can I really go with.. you?"

Tanjiro smiled. "Yes you can. We'll take good care of you!"

I cried again. "Thank you... for... treating me... nicely.." Tanjiro hugged Izuku. It had been a long time since Izuku felt this.. warm, calm sensation, since he felt the love of a close one.

"There, there. Now, let's go shall we?"

Izuku nodded and smiled.

Over the next few years, Tanjiro told Izuku about the world of demons and slayers, and that Tanjiro was a slayer. He also said that demons weren't bad, just forced to do bad in the world. Tanjiro trained Izuku, all while taking care of him. Nezuku and Izuku had almost become inseparable throughout these years. They were all a family, a family Izuku never had before he met them.

Demon Slayer IzukuWhere stories live. Discover now