Chapter 3

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"What you brought me today, Mr. Shield Hero?"

"The usual plus something called Water Rosemary."

The Pharmacist looks elated. "Those are good stuff, but rare to be found in the wilderness. Some monsters usually ate those before anyone could harvest them. The pharmacists, myself included, usually depend on the Garden and supplier." He said. "Let me see your stuff."

Further inspection revealed that, yes, the stuff is real and good.

"Seventeen Silver for all of them."

Naofumi was surprised. Was Water Rosemary THAT rare? He knew he had to battle countless balloons, Mushroom monsters, and other low-level but annoying monsters, only to get just a few handfuls of that thing, but he didn't think it would be that expensive.

He was about to accept the money before a thought crossed his mind.

"How about I trade it for compounding stuff and some vial?"

"Are you trying to make medicine?"

"Frontline battler. Might as well keep stuff to stay alive since I don't know when the reinforcement would come."

"A sound plan." The Pharmacist nodded. He went to grab decent compounding stuff and handed it to Naofumi, plus three Silver coins.

The Shield Hero nod in soundless thanks, before putting the stuff in Inventory.

His Inventory is almost full. Naofumi wonders what he can do to increase Inventory Space. It won't do if he can only carry limited stuff around. Perhaps he should purchase a big backpack and see what would happen if he feeds it to the Shield?

In hindsight, he can sacrifice his stuff to the shield. Saving up some space aside, it would unlock new Shields. What would happen if he feeds the Shield his smartphone and Laptop? How about the charger? His notebook? It sounds tempting but... no. Naofumi was attached to those.

Those are stuff that was his and his only. Things he carried from his original world. The remnant of life he dearly misses. A memento from his friends that he would never see again. Things that only bring good and amusing memories with no taint of betrayal. They have sentimental value. A reminder that he was not always hated by the world.

Naofumi doesn't want to sacrifice them. They were too valuable and indispensable.

Which led to his predicament.

It has been ten days since his arrival. Eight days after he framed for a crime he never committed.

In those eight days, Naofumi had been busy working. Combining with what he got today, he had earned twenty-eight silver.

Add with thirty silver he still had (no matter how dirty Naofumi felt when he remembers from WHO he got them), he has seventy-eight Silver. Since he doesn't like staying in the town unless necessary, and the low-level monster hasn't been able to deal with the damage, he camped out in the forest. He found a nice big tree with hallowed root to act as shelter. The food issue, well, diet on berries and fish is one thing, but he sometimes feels it was not enough, forced him to buy some skewered meat and bread from the town. He didn't dare to enter a restaurant because one, he doesn't trust them to not putting questionable stuff in his meal. Two, he was aware that he smells. Plus, the food there tastes even worse than hospital food. It completely lacks taste. If he deducts his food cost, he had about seventy-five Silver and couple Bronze.

Sadly, his progress with his level and skill is not as good as his money-earning. He barely good Combat Shield, also known as Shield with high attack point, which led to this predicament.

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