Chapter 1

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Naofumi Iwatani, twenty years old College Student (Keio, faculty of Letters), was NOT amused.

First. being kidnapped out of blue is Very Rude. Second, it adds to his stress, which was not healthy to his blood pressure, or so Takami said.

And since that girl studied to be a doctor, Naofumi was inclined to listen to her.

College life is not easy, even though he enjoys his Faculty and companionship. Sure, he's an otaku so what? A good portion of his friends and friends of his friends are also an Otaku. Hell, he knew some who were worse than him. After all his teachers don't care. As long as his grades don't drop, he turned in the homework in time, and won't make a mess in the campus ground or tainted the university's name, Naofumi and friends can hold Otaku Party for all they care.

Life was good and Naofumi enjoys it.

So yeah. He's very pissed when he making a stop in Public Library after morning classes, found a suspicious weird book, and somehow KA-POW! He was in another world, like those cliche Isekai stories.

Reading stories is fun, making those is better, having those actually happening to him was fun... NOT.

He can hear Shou laughing his ass off.

Eh, scratch that. Everyone is going to laugh themselves sick and lord it over his head for the rest of his life.

And based on the situations, the first thing that popped in his mind was Magic Knight Rayearth. Only with Four Heroes and each assigned a Weapon. Sword, Bow, Spear, and Shield. Guess what he got? If your guess was 'the sole Defense and Unconventional Weapon that needs a lot of brainstorming and creative thinking in How to Use It', then ding ding ding. You're correct.

At least he has his bag and stuff. That was the whole lotta better than the other three.

Still doesn't change Naofumi got the shortest stick.

The other three, a playboy blondie (was it dye or was he half?), a blonde high-schooler (considering his personality, maybe he has Blonde DNA instead dyes his hair), and another high-schooler whose posture screaming I-can-do-everything-alone.

Naofumi was not impressed.

Clearly whoever did the summoning is very desperate, he means, come on. A playboy wannabe, two high-schooler with chips on their shoulder, and an otaku like him? Definitely scraping the bottom of barrel here.

They were given a basic brief of this world was run over by something called Wave of Calamity. Basically, an Armageddon that happens after a certain period of interval. To counter that, the Kingdom summon what they call Four Cardinal Heroes.

Huh. Wait a minute, something was not right here.

Alas, Naofumi was too caught up in his own thought he missed the introduction. Well, to be honest, no one called out to him and the King—who was his name again? Ah. Naofumi gonna call him Stupid King. Okay, so the stupid King also forgot Naofumi was here since he only addresses the other three. So Naofumi follows the other three to their room. At least now Naofumi knows this world has The Gamer element as the foundational base. Make things easier.

In the room, there's a mini-conference between four of them. Sword Boy—Ren, Bow Boy (whoa, what a bad combination)—Itsuki, and lastly Spear Guy—Motoyasu. It was a little more informative, with Naofumi now know they come from a different world. Of fucking course. They were isekai-ed. Why they are still doubting the proof of String Theory?

That's the upside. The downside Naomi knows how much of bigoted moron they are.

They diss him and give him a pitying look. Not to mention they think it was some kind of simulation game rather than real life. It pissed Naofumi off he wants to bash their face with the shield. But in the end, he just settled with a huff and pretend to get to the bed early, while in reality, he was waiting for those three to get to sleep before he finally can "play" with the shield.

Resilient ShieldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora