Chapter 15: Hell is Empty

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NAMI FLASHED ONE big smile before turning her back on her friends with the intent in mind. She noticed the silly smiles Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and Robin were giving her, along with the deafening arguments of Zoro and Sanji, before she turned away. Then also, there's Franky and Brook pulling off green jokes with Jinbe just silently listening in.

But she had to do it. No matter the danger.

What she didn't notice was Luffy's sticky glances at her that for some might find inappropriate, but it's Luffy so no malicious thoughts should be present. All the time in the cafeteria he only had his eyes on her and nobody else; if only he knew what's making him to do just that. Nami didn't have meat on her so why the hell did he kept on stealing glances from her every now and then?

"Oi Luffy, you okay?" Zoro coughed as he picked up the fork on the table and put it neatly on his plate. He had just finished eating. "You look like you've seen..."



Sanji's ears perked up. "Luffy, don't listen to this mosshead here. He's a devil."

"Shut up ero-cook! Why don't you go after you precious witch while you're at it?"

"Witch?" Sanji huffed. "How dare you talk about my Nami-san like that?! You shitty swordsman?!"

Their strawhat-wearing 'captain' huffed and turned to look at where Nami left off, his beige coloured sweater vest running up a bit on his chest. Robin noticed this.

"Something wrong?" she asked.

"Nah, nah."

Usopp was the one who spoke this time. "You've been acting weird lately. Did Nami do something to you?"

Upon mentioning of her name, Luffy felt his heart beat a tad faster than usual. Maybe it was the thing they liked to call 'attachment', since, well, he sees her everyday and there was no way he couldn't get attached to her. Not only to her, but Luffy was also attached to his friends because 'he sees them on a daily basis'.

Zoro sensed something wrong but he kept a straight face as he stood up. "I'm gonna get some fresh air."

"Where? In the halls?" Sanji chuckled.

"On the rooftop,"

As the green-haired swordsman walked away, Sanji teased him once more. "Don't get lost on your way there!"

"Shut up!"

Zoro had his hands on his pockets and bag on his back. He also had a black bandana that he often wore on his forehead but since the situation didn't seem to call for it, said object was tied around his left bicep. Three sheathed katanas also dangled from his waist thanks to the support a belt-sash was giving. If Zoro was not recognisable with the three swords he always carried by his side, there's still the piercings on his left ear that only him at the school possessed.

Fortunately not getting lost on his way, Zoro reached the rooftop of the school upon seeing the supposedly locked doors ajar. There were no signs of breaking in (or out) so he just ignored it and went out, wind blowing against his tan skin. He chose a spot on the corner and as he was about to sit down, his ears picked up a female's voice from not so far.

"I've got everything! I'm gonna give it to you soon..." that voice belonged to none other than his orange haired friend, Nami. At that, Zoro was intrigued but, at the same time, suspicious of what she was doing. She didn't seem to be on the phone with someone, so what?

That's when he heard another voice. A male's. "Oh yeah? What if you don't? You know what will happen to yo–"

"I know, I know. Be patient, will you?"

He then grabbed her by the jaw, "What are you speaking to me like that for?!"

Zoro prepared to jump and save the girl but he sensed that Nami got eveything under control. Or not. She said some words again and that guy threw a punch onto her left cheek.

"Hey!" Zoro called out as he grabbed one of his katanas in preparation. Just in case.

Nami turned to him with eyes widened. "Z-Zoro...?! The hell are you doing here?!"

"Huh?" the other guy spoke. "Is this your new boyfriend, Nami?"

"He's not, Bellamy."

"What's your name? Oh, you're that Rorono-guy, aren't you?"

The swordsman eyed the guy called 'Bellamy'. "If that cook were here, he would have beaten the hell out of you for laying a finger on that witch."

Thanks, Zoro. Nami sweatdropped but yes she was thankful he jumped into action though she also had no idea why he was there. He should be with the others at the cafeteria. He didn't get lost, did he?

"Well, whatever you say," Bellamy chuckled while brushing up his short dirty blonde hair as he noticed how the beast in front of him was only waiting for an opening. He walked away and down the stairs, the sounds of his footsteps echoing.

Zoro now had his attention on Nami as she spoke, "You keep quiet, will you?"

"Tell me that and I'll assume you're hiding something from us,"

"I'm not,"

"Then what was that all about?" he glanced at the bruise on her left cheek bone. "Why do I have to 'keep quiet'?"

"It's none of your business..."

Zoro simply sighed. He was not the type to butt in other people's businesses but when it involved their captain, whom he was loyal to, that's another story. He couldn't help but say something. At first glance, what's behind the surface didn't seem to be related to Luffy at any way, but since Nami was involved, he might better would be.

"I don't like saying this, especially to stubborn people like you," he started. "but hear me out: whatever this is about, Luffy's not gonna like this. Trust me."

Nami blinked. "What do you mean Luffy's not gonna like this?"

He simply gestured to her newly earned blackeye and she winced. "Of course." Luffy didn't want his friends getting hurt.

"Now, tell me what was that all about?"

She didn't want to tell him the whole thing, though, even if she trusted Zoro as she trusted Luffy and the others. She simply wanted to keep them out of the matter. While she leaned against the concrete behind her, Nami gulped as she spoke loud enough for Zoro to hear.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."

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