Shadow Play

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I'm with my sister as we play our shadow with a light coming from my phone, I'm making a bird shadow using my hands when my sister ask me,

"Big sis, do you still remember our mother's face?" that makes me pause on what I'm doing. I sigh, and face her.

Glancing at her face makes my eyes water, she truly resembles our loving mother's face. I smiled and started caressing her lovely cheeks. "Yes I clearly remember"

She smiled and started making a dog shadow with her small hands. "Does she look like me?" she ask. I just nod as an answer to her question.

I'm trying to figure out how to make a deer shadow when she starts singing, the lullaby our mom used to sing for us during bedtime.

Kiana's voice is beautiful and cold. hearing the lullaby makes me bring back to the days when im still a kid in my mother's loving arms. The lyrics are deep and meaningful, the melody is slow and a beautiful voice makes the whole song perfect.

She suddenly stopped singing and slowly took a look at me. With her eyes full of shock and a confused face, it makes me ask her "what's wrong?" It took her seconds to answer my simple question. She closed her eyes then took a deep breath and blew a big amount of air, "Nothing" she normally said.

We continued our shadow playing when a shadow went past through our shadows. I was shocked, so is Kiana. She suddenly hugged me tight and tried to distract her fear by singing iKON's Love Scenario.

"A-ate Xandria w-what was that?" looking scared with her lips trembling. I don't know what to answer so I immediately get my phone and light the part of our room where the shadow goes.

I stood up when I saw the bathroom door slightly open. I walk slowly and push it with so much force so it will open wide. I saw someone staring back at me, having a phone in her right hand and teary eyes.

Something caught my eye. A girl at her back standing in the headboard of the bed with sharp eyes and madness written on its face. I turned my back to see her but to my shock, she was now standing in front of me and slowly tilting her head to the right.

Her playful smile makes my knees go jelly. my phone fell from my hand. The light from the phone makes her look creepy. I'm starting to walk backwards when she goes near me. I slipped because of the soap on the floor.

The back of my head hit the sink hard, which makes me dizzy. feeling weak because of my head injury but I still manage to look straight at her.

She's smiling in her ears while playing with the knife in her hand, she shot her eyebrow heavenwards "Do you remember my promise?" she asked.

"I told you I'll come back right?" she kneels and lights me up with the phone. She's looking at me with her happy face. She looks so Innocent yet scary. "Everything that light touches will end" it's like I'm watching a movie when a memory hits my mind.

Remembering all the scenes after all those years makes me weak. tears running down from my eyes. As I look at her she's now having a sad face, then a slow laugh comes in. "Sleep well" as she stabbed the knife on my chest.

"K-kiana" she stabbed again repeatedly before everything went dark. I heard her say "Sweet dreams my dear, a bright tomorrow is waiting for you"

The last line my psychotic mother said to my father the night before we slept 8 years ago.

The End.


Shadow Play
Short Story by Sexytary19

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