Prolouge: Danger Falling from the Sky

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Hi. I'm (Y/n) (L/n), 17 year, and one of the smartest kids in my school or even in the world. Also, I'm the bastard child of the famous super villain Lex Luthor. But he doesn't know this. No one, except my mom does. My mother was just a one night stand to him and accidentally got pregnant. Instead of abortion, she decided to raise me. She works 4 different jobs in the week. She's a strong woman and a good mother.

But with all of these things being something amazing, there has to be something bad.

I have a rare decease called Necroticing fasciites.

(That's a real decease. By the way, I only Googled the name and a bit on what it is, so don't wonder if it isn't accurate.)

Basically it's a sickness, where my skin starts to rott. Red and purple skin is seen on me. It causes me severe pain, fever and vomiting.

The only reason I lived till now is, that  science is luckily so advanced, that there is a medicine which slows it down. But it's effects start to let down...

That's why me and a few friends from school in metropolis, try to look for a way to cure me. Even if we're only teenagers, we have to at least try.

*At School, (Y/n)s pov.:*

" Can anyone tell me the answer to this question?" our teacher asked.

No one raised his hand, except for me.

"Ah yes. Mister (L/n), please write it on the board."

So I did. I stood up, went to the board and wrote down the answer.

"Good job mister (L/n), but next time please write down how you calculated it." he said.

"... Alright." I said.

While walking to my chair, a foot went into my path, making me fall down on my left arm.

"Ghhh!" a sharp pain shoot through my body.

"Brad!" the teacher yelled at the student.

Brad was the school bully. With his big figure and muscles, he always bullied the weak. Mostly me to be honest. I was the perfect victim for him.

"Oops." he simply said and the teacher glared at him.

"Are you alright?" the teacher asked me, leaning down.

"It's alright. I'll just have to go to the infarmity." I stood up and went outside the room.

Once I arrived there, I took of my shirt, revealing my sickness.

My whole left arm was purple. It wasn't because of Brad, it was so before already. It'll probably fall of some day......

The rotting even went to the left part of my face, where it's already red and seeing with my left eye became difficult too. I didn't tell anyone about the eye through.

"*sigh*" I put my shirt back on and laid on the bed.

The door suddenly opened and revealed a girl. My crush, to put it precisely.

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