Chapter 24: The Rig

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The waiting was the worst part for Kevin. As he stood by the railing, watching the sun slowly set behind the ruined buildings of a desolate city to the west, he tried to remain calm. Attacking scavengers was dangerous under the best of conditions, but intentionally going after those who were known for being alert and well defended seemed like a suicidal operation. His stomach rolled uncomfortably, and it made him wonder if his dinner from the preserved rations they'd found in the galley would stay down.

He'd been on and off patrol throughout the previous night when they'd drawn up their battle plans and over the course of the day. It had felt like an eternity waiting for night when they could launch their attack. At any moment, the scavengers might discover them, and the raid would be dead before it could start.

Looking toward the stern of the ship, Kevin noticed Razor and Red going through a hand to hand fighting routine. Although they were only training, they fought against each other with intensity as if their lives depended on the outcome. He wondered if they were using up all their energy and might not be ready for the fight ahead, but Kevin understood the scavengers knew more about fighting their own kind than he did. If they weren't troubled by their level of training, Kevin saw no reason he should be.

Redirecting his gaze toward the prow, Kevin looked to George. The priest sat in a cross legged position with his curved sword resting on the deck in front of him. George's eyes were closed and his breathing was slow and deep. It reminded Kevin of a samurai meditating before battle.

Returning to watching the sunrise, Kevin wondered if he was the only one suffering anxiety issues. The hatch behind him suddenly opened, making him jump.

"Didn't mean to startle you," Isabella apologized.

"I'm always jumpy before going on a insane mission into a nest of murdering psychopaths," Kevin replied.

"You're not the only one facing uncertainty," she informed him quietly while joining him at the railing. "If you don't come back, the responsibility of keeping these people alive and working together falls on me. Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't want your job."

Isabella turned to leave but paused long enough to pat his shoulder. "Come back safe."

"I will do my best," Kevin promised.


Night covered the bay in deep darkness. The cloudy skies obscured any light that might have been provided by the moon or stars, adding to the gloom. The waters were as black as the sky, and Kevin felt as if he was an astronaut about to leap into the void of space.

Checking his equipment, Kevin nodded to George. The priest stared hard in his direction as Kevin's dark skin made him one with the night and a natural on stealth missions.

"You ready?" George asked.

"No," Kevin admitted, "but let's get it over with."

The ship had been sailed in as close as they dared without risking being seen by the scavengers. Red and Razor departed first, slipping into the water and vanishing under its glassy surface. Since they needed more time to get into their firing position, the two scavengers were allowed a head start before Kevin and George would leave.

Looking over his shoulder, Kevin tried to see the bridge where Isabella and Adam were watching; all lights on the ship had been turned out to avoid attracting the notice of the scavengers, so he couldn't see anything in the dark.

When the allotted time expired, Kevin and George put on their masks and eased into the warm waters. The liquid closed in over their heads, muffling all sounds.

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