Taehyung is always spontaneous like this.

After making it home and rushing to get ready, Taehyung was there to pick you up, a few minutes late, but that's just par for the course. When you end up at your favorite boba spot, you know Taehyung wants to talk about something. He never wants to sit down at a place like this just for small talk, you've picked up on his signs and can read him like a book.

But when you finally get your drink and sit at your favorite table in the back corner, he doesn't say much. It's almost like he's waiting for you to speak up. His eyes staring down at his drink instead of sipping it, hands rested in his lap with his lip caught between his teeth. It's puzzling, slightly, you thought he wanted to hang out tonight and do something adventurous...

The awkward silence and lack of gestures from Taehyung is starting to make you uncomfortable, so you decide to take matters into your own hands.

"How are things going with that girl," you ask before bringing the straw of your tea to your lips, sipping nonchalantly.

"Oh yeah," he sighs, his fingertips drumming along the surface of the table, "it didn't really work out."

When it comes to Taehyung, relationships never really seem to work out. To say it lightly, he is extremely picky. His last relationship ended because he thought the girl breathed too loudly. The girl before that had an annoying laugh, and then the one before that bit her nails.

Eventually, his pickiness has become a trend to the point that Taehyung will entertain a girl for a month or so. Then, he'll find something so minuscule within the said girl and turn it into a dealbreaker. The nit-picking things are way too much to move past for Taehyung. It's clear that he is in search of the 'perfect woman,' like that even exists.

"You're probably better off."

You don't think much of the words before they leave your lips. Relationships are a ton of work, is it really worth it to put all your effort into something like that? There is a way to just be happy on your own, you know.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He's taken back by your statement, his eyebrows furrowing in response as he waits for your answer.

"You know what I think," you tilt your heat matter-of-factly, "relationships are a waste of time."

"What is with you and all this 'anti-love' stuff anyway?"

His question catches you off guard, a boba bubble almost catching in your throat leaving you a coughing mess. Taehyung chuckles at your discomfort, waiting patiently for you to get it all out and answer his question.

"I've wasted too much time with too many dead-beat guys to even think about love," you sigh again, your coughing fit subsiding as you reach for your boba once again.

"Not all guys are dead-beats, you know."

His words come out harsh, almost as if he finds your words offensive. Like you are meaning to group him in with all the guys you've dated in the past. Which is strange, Taehyung knows that he's different. For one, you've never dated him before and two, if he was such a dead-beat you wouldn't have kept him around for so long.

You can't talk to guys, or most people like you talk to Taehyung. He's the one you rant about the dead-beats to, along with everything else under the sun. He knows all the shit that you don't tell anyone else, he's like your own personal human diary. Secrets are always safe with him, it's not like he has anyone who would listen to the gossip even if he wanted to tell.

After a minute of silence Taehyung's expression changes, his eyes squinting at you in that 'I have a crazy idea' type of way. It's a look that you see often, and you couldn't say that you would ever be used to it.

"Okay then I'll make you a deal," he proposes, a glimmering look in his eye that made you somewhat nervous. You never know what you are getting with Taehyung, but most of the time his 'deals' are on the crazier side.

"What is it?" You still ask although you're a bit nervous to hear his answer. If his plan is to set you up with one of his delinquent friends or something–

"Be my girlfriend."

Your eyes widen as the words leave his lips, confusion taking over your expression as a small chuckle leaves his lips. He can't be serious...

"Your what?"

"Two weeks is all I'm asking for. Be my girlfriend for just two weeks, and I'll show you that love isn't as shitty as you think it is."

"You're crazy," you shake your head, a disbelieving smile stretching wide across your face.

"C'mon Y/N," he challenges, "it's two weeks of your life, what else do you have to do?"

The quirk of his eyebrow and quick squint of his eyes grabs your attention. He's serious about this, scarily serious, and you aren't quite sure how to react to that.

"What's in it for you?" Your chin falls into your palm as you stare at him, waiting for his response.

"Well for one," he starts, a sigh leaving his lips, "I won't have to listen to you complain about how much relationships suck anymore."

Just when you don't think you can roll your eyes any further into the back of your head, your own actions surprise you. If looks could kill, the one you're giving him right now would surely take him out. He doesn't pay much mind to it though, he's used to your sass and just shrugs it off.

"This is an awful idea," you glare at him as if it will change his mind. You're certain this experiment of his would not change your own. Love sucked, and that was that.

"Two weeks," his voice carries a taunting tone, his eyebrows wiggling to entice you into his plan. He isn't going to give up on this easily, you know Taehyung. And Taehyung always gets his way.

"Fine," you huff, "two weeks and that's it. And if my mind isn't changed you owe me 3 more of these," you say, picking up your tea from the table and shaking it at eye-level for emphasis.

His bottom lip catches between his teeth, satisfied with your response. He isn't exactly sure how he'll manage to pull this off, but he's definitely up for the challenge.

"We start tomorrow at 8, I'll pick you up after work."

Crossing your arms over the table, you bury your head in your arms. This is going to be the most interesting two weeks of your entire life.

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