- i'm sorry ★

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(hi, there is going to be a warning and, well, it's suicide

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(hi, there is going to be a warning and, well, it's suicide. so please be cautious while reading or don't read at all if you're easily triggered. anyways, if you guys need to talk i'm always right here. stay safe, love you.)

(Y/N) HAS BEEN FEELING DOWN LATELY. In fact, she's been feeling extremely miserable and worthless. She just felt as if she were alone, no one to hold her, no one to tell her everything was going to be okay, no one to tell her that she's worth living.

She's tried to reach out but no one seems to care. The only person she loved and thought that loved her back, cheated on her. Her friends only seemed to care about themselves as well.

She felt so alone. So much pain in her, and there was nothing she could do to take it away. She's tried drinking her pain away and it did absolutely nothing. She thought that maybe she deserved it, she deserved to feel this pain. She deserved to be alone.

Staring at her phone as she laid in her bed in the dark. She awaited for someone to text to call or just text but, as always, she received nothing. A soft sigh escaped from her dried lips.

She tiredly stood up, dragging her feet to her desk. She turned on a lamp and then grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. She's been thinking about ending it a lot but she never actually had the courage to do it, until now. Her eyes started to become glossy.

She stared down at the paper before uncapping the pen and started to write. Tears threatening to leave her glossy eyes. After a couple minutes of writing, she had finally finished writing her letter to Finn, the boy who broke her heart.

She then grabbed another paper and started to write letters to her friends. Her parents as well. She stacked them neatly on top of each other and then stood up from her desk. Finally, tears started to spill from her eyes. An aching pain hit her on her heart as she opened her bathroom door and closed it behind her. A sobs escaping her lips and her breathing becoming uneven.

Luckily, she was home alone so there wasn't anyone who would stop her from what she's about to do.

She opened a cabinet and found a razor blade. (y/n) undressed herself and turned on her bath. As the water started to fill in the tub, she stared herself down through the mirror. She started to point out all her so called "flaws" while doing so. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! You're fucking worthless. This is why Finn cheated on you." She mumbled to herself. Pure disgust filled in her voice.

(y/n) shook her head before stepping in her tub and laying down. A sigh escaping her mouth. She wiped away her tears and took a deep breath. She sliced her wrist, deeply with the blade. Blood started to roll down her wrist and onto the bath water. She did it again and again until she couldn't feel anything anymore. Her head hit the wall as she laid there.

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