- it's ok, i wouldn't remeber me either ☽

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(part two!)

TO (Y/N), THE CURLY HAIRED MAN on her front porch was just a stranger. Yet, he seemed oddly familiar. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" (Y/n) asked and gave him a small smile. (Y/n) wondered if he was a fan but she realized that, that was a stupid idea.

"You don't remember me?" The mans accent was strong, (y/n) couldn't lie about how attractive she found that. The beautiful woman shook her head, "wait are you a fan or something? I mean I can sign something for you but this is kinda weird," she chuckled nervously, "damn it, i'm going to have to move again," (y/n) mumbled to herself before she gave the tall man a small smile.

"No, (y/n) i'm not a fan! I'm Boris remember? Boris Pavlikovsky!" That's when it hit (y/n). Her hands started to get clammy as she furrowed her brows. "B-Boris?" (y/n) asked surprisingly; she felt as if she were about to cry. She didn't want to ever see him again after what he did to her but, there was still a small part of her that wanted him back. Though, she knew she couldn't give in just yet. She couldn't seem like the vulnerable and pathetic self she was back then.

"Hi," Boris smiled and hugged her, but she didn't hug back. She just stood there frozen, trying to process what was happening. "Don't you miss me?" Boris asked when he noticed that she wasn't hugging back — a heartbroken look plastered onto his face. Receiving no response, he asked, "can I come in at least?" Boris said as he held onto her shoulders. She nodded as she stepped back and opened the door wider for him.

Boris entered the pretty big house, admiring at all the movie posters and art she had. "D-do you want something drink or food?" (y/n) asked as she closed the door. "Um, yeah sure."

(Y/n) went into the kitchen and started to prepare tea for the both of them. She then proceeded to grab some cookies and placed them on a plate. She made her way back to Boris — who sat on a couch — and gave him the tea. She went back to go grab her own drink and put the cookies on the coffee table. She sat down across from, waiting for him to speak first.

"How have you been?" He looked up from the ground and stared at her beautiful sculptured face.

"Good." Was all she said and continued to drink her tea.

"That's good to hear," he smiled softly at her. When he was younger, he would have never admitted that he had feelings for the girl. But after she left, he realized that he did in fact loved her more than a friend.

She didn't smile back, which made him feel horrible inside.

"Listen, i'm sorry (y/n). I really am! I didn't mean to hurt when i was younger, I was kid! Please forgive me." He pleaded as he looked at her, desperately wanting her to forgive him. He got no response from the girl, only a eye roll. "(y/n), please say something."

"Boris i'm not going to forgive you. I know I'm being dramatic, but I can't forgive you. I can't do that to myself.." She looked him with cold eyes.

"Please (y/n)..."

"Boris, no. You ruined me! I tried my hardest to please you but I never got anything in return. I was so hopelessly in love with you," (y/n) sighed before continuing. "It took me a while for me to realize how pathetic I was."

"Wait...you were in love with me?" Boris looked at her with a shocked yet soft look. "That doesn't matter!" (y/n) was definitely embarrassed of what she had just said and she tried not to show it but it was quite obvious.

"(y/n), I've changed — I promise!" he stood up from the couch and walked towards her, kneeling down in front of her on both his knees. He looked like a puppy begging for food.

Boris grabbed her hand, that wasn't holding her tea, and kissed it multiple times. "Boris stop," she moved her hand away from him. "I think you should leave." She said as she stood up from the seat and walked to the door.

"(y/n) please don't do this to me. You don't have to forgive me now but at least think about it!"

"I'll consider it but, right now I need you to leave," Boris stood up from where he was and walked towards (y/n).

"Goodbye, (y/n). I'll see you soon, eh?" (y/n) nodded before going to close the door after he walked out.

(y/n) softly cried, sliding down against the door. She didn't want to remember Boris even though she was thinking about their "friendship" — if you can even call it that — earlier.

She just didn't want to fall in love with him again. 'It would have been better if he didn't remember me. I mean, I wouldn't,' (y/n) thought to herself as she continued to hug herself.


hey y'all... so um this was really bad but i don't care anymore lmaoo.

anywayss this is unedited 😏

pleathe vote and comment 🤤🙏

see y'all later or whatever 😒💯

 the moon songTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon