Legolas stays by me, he's obviously not quite sure that I won't kneel over. Well, I'm not too sure either, so I don't really blame him. My head could be a cloud based on the way it feels.

We keep walking with the only light coming from Gandalf's staff. This meant we had almost no light in the back because, unlike me, Gandalf was walking at a fast pace.

We were walking for a long time before we came to an open hall, and Gimli immediately ran off to a room off to the side. I followed him as fast as I could, which wasn't very.

The dwarf's sobs echoed from the chamber as we all came to see that he had found the tomb.

I stayed by Legolas, people's emotions have always made me incredibly uncomfortable. Gimli's emotions, however, made me even more uncomfortable because I knew what was coming.

Gandalf was reading the last words out of a book one of the corpses was holding, when we all heard a loud crash following with another crash. Pippin had knocked a skeleton into the well next to him.

"Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next and rid us of your stupidity!" Gandalf hissed at him.

Poor Pippin.

Boom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom!

Ah lovely, thank you for letting us know drums.

"They are coming!"

Thank you Captain Obvious for sharing this very helpful bit of information with us.

"They have a cave troll," Boromir states sarcastically.


Nice to know we at least deal with stressful situations the same way.

"River, get back by the hobbits," Legolas orders.

I could slap him.

"Make me Lego."

I'm mature, I know.

"River," he starts clearly annoyed, but gets cut off as the doors begin to be pried open, and instead knocks an arrow.

I draw my swords, and take up my preferred stance.

Yes, one sword isn't good enough for me, I prefer two.

Legolas and Aragorn begin firing arrows through the crack of the doors. Man, and I thought my aim was bad before, now it just seems pathetic. There's a reason I use swords.

The creatures, I don't care what their actual name is, plus my memory isn't working like that right now, start flooding through the now open doors. They rush towards us, and I begin to take them down with my swords.

The fact that I'm short and a girl throws them off, and I kill most of them before they get a chance to react. One, however slices at my hand, the cheater, and manges to cut my wrist before I behead him.

I finish one off and turn to see the cave troll swinging at me. I manage to move just in time to avoid being sent flying into the wall. Running around behind it I slash at it's legs. This doesn't do much more than make it mad. I jump as it swings again and land just as I hear Merry and Pippin scream before hopping on it's back to stab it with their daggers.

It seems confused and they jump off once it notices them there. I slash at it again, as Legolas fires an arrow into its open mouth.

Everyone runs towards Frodo, who had a spear thrown at him. If it wasn't for the mirthil shirt protecting him he'd be dead.

"It's all right, I'm fine!" He reassures us.

"I think there's more to this hobbit than meets the eye," Gandalf says, and Frodo reveals the mithril shirt he's wearing to us.

We all begin to run out of the room and down the passage. We keep running and see a passage near us glowing as though it's on fire.

Gandalf shouts something and I don't hear it. I'm too high on adrenaline. I assume he told Aragorn to lead us to the bridge.

Boromir almost falls off the path, but Legolas catches him just in time and we continue running. When we get to the gap Legolas jumps it easily and I follow without much hesitation. The others also jump across, with Gimli barely making it due to his refusal to be tossed. Then Frodo and Aragorn do their impressive balancing act to get across.

Dear Middle Earth, what is your problem with physics?

We all run across the bridge, and Gandalf stops in the middle. The Balrog heads towards him.

"You cannot pass!" Gandalf cries raising his staff into the air.

This doesn't stop the Balrog. I guess it's not too good with directions.

"You. Cannot. Pass."

"I am a servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udun. Go back to the shadow!" Gandalf then raises both his staff and sword into the air and screams, "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

The half of the bridge the Balrog was on crumbles and falls. Gandalf moves towards us, but falls, now hanging by his fingertips on the rock. The balrog's whip has caught him.

"Fly you fools."

And with that he lets go and falls into the chasm after it.

"GANDALF!" Frodo cries running forward, but I grab him and drag him out with the rest of us.


I'm so sorry! 

This was supposed to be posted two days ago, but I realised I completely skipped parts! Posts should come on a more normal schedule soon, I hope! They probably still won't be every day, but I will try for at least two or three a week.

Stay positive, all feedback of this type would be greatly apperciated, so I can give you guys a better story!


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