"Who turned off the lights?" The man boomed as he pulled himself the rest of the way out.

Bakugos eyes widened at the large man. He was huge, he even had to use his arms to walk as if he was a gorilla. Another thing caught his eye though, the mans mask. It was the same style as Overhauls just not as fancy.

"It's one of the eight precepts of death! You all go on, the Ryukyu agency will handle him!" The dragon quirk user yelled as she started to transform.

"Let's move!" Sir yelled as he and the rest of the raiders dropped into the depths below.
Several minutes before the raid.

"How does it feel to know your sole purpose in life now is to feel pain?" Overhaul asked sadisticly as he dragged a knife across Izukus left arm.

Izuku didn't respond. He just kept his gaze on the ground. It didn't really hurt him anymore. Everyday it was the same thing over and over, just more pain. After the first two months or so he kind of got used to it. Most of the smaller things such as a knife cut only stung a little. What really hurt was when Overhaul used his quirk. Any time he chose to destroy some part of Izuku, it hurt just as bad as before.

"Still not going to talk? Maybe I've finally broken you"

Izuku slowly raised his head and looked to his left. There standing quite a ways back was the man in the white coat and in his arms was Eri.
The little girl clenched onto the mans jacket with tears in her eyes as she watched Izuku go through all this pain because of her.

Suddenly a weird feeling ran through Izukus body as the hairs on his arms stood up in alarm.

Izukus eyes widened and quickly tucked his head downwards and shut his eyed as the room around him exploded. He slammed into the ground and skidded to a stop as he slowly opened his eyes. Everything was covered in smoke and to make it worse, all he could hear was a loud ringing. Izuku could feel a cold sensation emoting from multiple parts on his body. One on his forehead, cheek, a couple on his legs, and the coldest of all was his left shoulder. It took all of Izukus will power to move his body. He raised his right hand to his forehead and felt a massive gash leaking blood.

So that's what the cold sensation is? So my left arm must be.........shit.

Izuku stared down at what used to be his left arm. Right now it was a shoulder pinned up against a large steel beam that had flattened his lower arm.

Slowly Izuku pushed himself away from the beam and looked back at the horrific site. It looked as if a red paint can exploded under the beam. Using his somewhat good arm Izuku struggled a couple of times but eventually proped himself up onto a concrete piece of rubble, trying to come up with some sort of plan.

Suddenly what sounded like a muffled voice started screaming through the air but it was hard for Izuku to make anything out with his damaged eardrums.

The mumbling got louder and louder until Izuku could make out the outline of a bird mask through all the smoke.

Of course he's fine. He can heal himself at will with his quirk. Wait his quirk?

Izukus mind spring to life as he recalled every painstaking moment he spent with that monster. Everytime he used his quirk, he had to touch me with his hands, specifically his fingers, thought Izuku.

Hero Hunter Deku [My Hero Academia x One Punch Man Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now