01: Him and I

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I like him.

He's so handsome, he's so cute,
he's so prefect, he's so ethereal.

He is flawless.

He is the prince charming to my princess, the cherry to my blossom,
the tides to my ocean,
the star to my galaxy.

He visits me in my dreams
every night, he tells me tales,
holds my hands, caresses my
cheeks. He brings me
flowers, he reads me stories
of love.

He sings me songs he has
written for me.

He does my hairs for
me, he feeds me, he cuddles
me to sleep and he protects
me from dark.

He makes my dreams
mesmerizing, he makes
my existence blissful.

I love him.


He doesn't known me.

I care for him.


He has never seen me.

I will do anything for him.


He doesn't know my name.

Him and I.

Its like we are like living
in parallel worlds.

We exist, yet we don't.

Him is Kim Taehyung.

and I,

am Celeste Park.

This is my story.
I love Kim Taehyung with
every cell in my body
but he doesn't know me.
I'm just another fan,
he has never met.

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