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I suppose I should say that this isn't a guide on how to come out, this is mostly how I did it.

"Ono, I need your help"

Those words echoed in Ono's mind, Bunga wasn't one to ask for help, it came with his personality his bravery meant that he just tried things himself, he did sometimes ask for help but not a lot, he's nearly as independent as Fulli.

"Sure I-I'll try to help but-" Bunga grabbed the bird by his beak and took him further away from the others, he couldn't risk anyone knowing yet. "Seriously Ono, I need you to keep a big secret." All Ono could do was nod, after that he was released, he then proceeded to peck the badger for trapping him. "Now that we are even, are you going to tell me this big secret you had to nearly break my beak to tell?" Bunga sighed and looked at the floor and tried to find the best way to tell him. "I think I might have a crush on Kion." Ono was a bit angry that he thinks he would care, it wasn't his place to judge, although homosexual relations are not common in the pridelands, or anywhere really, evergone knew the troubles and worry they go through gathering the courage to tell people, some see it as unnatural which Ono found really stupid, it's love.

He looked at Bunga, he wasn't the most closed off individual, but he knew that telling him was bringing up questions and worries for him. Bunga spoke again "I need your help to stop me being so stubborn, I am refusing to listen to my heart, I know I love him but I'm not accepting it, please Ono, I need you to help me accept me." Ono didn't have many ideas on how to help him, though he did have one though.

"Bunga, I'm not going to pretend I'm an expert in this but I do have an idea, but it will test your bravery more than any hyena ever will." Bunga looked at the bird, sighed and agreed.

The two friends approached Hakuna Mattata falls. "So you think they will accept you?" Ono was starting to get worried for him at this point. "It's in their way of life, if they hate me for this then they are hypocrites, and I will hold that against them." Ono looked at his friend surprised at the coldness in his voice, he was shocked more when he went back to his fun loving self as if nothing happened, but they entered the falls nonetheless.

Timone and Pumba were laying under the sun in the falls, until they saw Ono and Bunga and walking towards them and waved. Ono looked at Bunga, he wasn't nervous.

Bunga approached the two and said one thing, "I'm gay" then he just walked off. Ono was shocked, "Bunga! What are you doing?" Bunga was leaving because he knew they would care or react in any way. "They won't mind me being gay, it's their way of life." Ono couldnt argue with that logic. "So your not going to tell them anything, nothing about you liking Kion?" Bunga was a little surprised he didn't understand. "We are not a thing yet, no point getting their hopes up if he might not even be gay himself." Ono saw where he was coming from, and stayed quiet.

The two travelled to pride rock. Now Bunga was scared. The two didn't speak all the way to the pridelands he was too nervous to. Once they were a few metres from the Lion Guard home Bunga stopped. He was starting to have second thoughts. Ono was supporting him saying having second thoughts is normal. "So I just have to tell my friends I'm gay, including who I may be gay for." Ono chuckled "yup, piece of cake." After Bunga calmed down the two marched in.

The other members of the guard were laying in the nice sun shining through the big hole in the roof. The closer he got to them the more worried he got. He took deep breaths and tried to calm his breathing. All of a sudden his friends were looking at him, he didn't know why till Ono was telling him to go on with his wings. Bunga then looked at each of his friends one by one until he looked at Kion, they locked eyes and that was too much for him. He needed to go, so that's what he did, he ran. One sighed, apologised and flew off after his honey badger friend.

He found him under pride rock curled in a little ball. Landing in front of him he saw that he was on he verge of tears, this shocked Ono, Bunga was the happiest animal he knew. Bunga looked at Ono ashamed. He thought was supposed to be the bravest, but here he was sitting under a rock nearly crying. Why? He can't muster the strength to tell his friends something that doesn't matter that much.

Ono looked at him, he just went up and hugged him, he held him close to try and calm him down. Ono then looked at him. "Bunga, I know that you think that you reacting like this is bad but it's fine. I don't see you any differently, if any of the others saw you then they wouldn't see you any differently." Bunga looked at him with pleading eyes. "Please don't tell Kion." Ono agreed and they sat there in silence for a bit.

Bunga eventually got up. He had to tell them, Ono saw and rose stretching his wings. After the walk they once again approached the hideout entrance. One looked at Bunga and said "I'm here for you, ok?" Bunga nodded and walked in.

The rest of the guard looked up concerned, before any of them could ask anything Bunga come out and said it straight "guys I'm gay." The rest of the guard were surprised, not that he gay but that he thinks they would really care that much. They all wanted to ask him he thinks they would care but didn't.

Bunga looked around gageing their reactions, none of them were bad so that was good. Bunga felt great, he had an immense weight off his shoulders, he couldn't believe it, he told them. Deep down he felt great too, he wasn't denying himself. He was free. Free to feel what he wanted. Free to tell who he wanted now he knew the people who he cares most about knew the real Bunga.

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