Giselle glared at her, but Jay stepped forward, "We can always go back to hating each other when this is over", he whispered. She hated the idea of working with Uma and Harry, but she knew it was the only way to save her kingdom, "Fine", she gave in. Jay looked over at the two pirates, "Where are our bikes?", he asked them.

Gil smiled at them, "Oh, yeah. Uh, we crashed them", he told them as he and Harry started laughing. Like the angel she was, Evie stepped forward and looked at all of them, "Here's a thought. We could try to be friends. Put our history behind us and celebrate our differences", she suggested before pulling out a small bag, "Who wants gum?", she asked. Uma rolled her eyes at the Evil Queen's daughter, "Let's go", she said starting to walk off.

Giselle put out a hand and stopped her, "No. I'm in charge", she told her, "Let's go", she said, everyone following after her as they walked over the bridge. Once they got back to Auradon, they saw the true effects of the sleeping curse that Audrey cast, "They're asleep. Everyone", Evie said worried. Giselle sighed and hung up her phone, "I can't reach Ben or Leanne", she told them, worried for her fiance and her friend. Evie looked up from her phone, "Or Dizzy or Doug", she added.

"Or Jane. The signal's out", he told them. Celia caught a glimpse of the huge building in front of them, "Is that Auradon Prep?", she asked. Carlos smiled at her, "Yeah and when everyone wakes up, you're gonna love it", he told her before continuing to try and get signal. Harry smirked as he grabbed a student's wallet, "I believe I deserve some compensation for my muscles, my wile, and my role in this endeavor", he laughed as he took some money out of it.

Jay glared at him and rushed over, taking the money and wallet away from him, "You do. Me not squashing you like a bug", he said, placing the money back in the student's shirt pocket. Harry laughed a little, "You think I'm scared of you, Jay?", he threatened. "Guys", Giselle and Uma both said in unison, getting them to stop fighting. Carlos smiled, "Dude!", he said excited as he saw his dog licking someones hand. The dog stopped licking and sat down in front of him, "Mm delicious", he said before burping.

Carlos rolled his eyes, "Dude, really?", he asked him. The talking dog looked up at him, "What? It wasn't me, I swear. Okay, it was me", he conceded as all the humans gathered around him. Carlos looked at him, "Hey, do you know what happened here?", he asked him. Dud gave a little nod, "Yup, Audrey showed up. She put everybody to sleep and then she turned some of them to--"

"Guys", Evie called out, gathering their attention as they all walked over to what she was looking at, "Hannah turned to stone", she said worried. Jay looked at them all, "All right. Everybody stay on their toes", he told them. Uma looked at Giselle, "Look, since we're here, let's check the school", she suggested as she, her pirates and Celia started walking towards the school. Giselle shook her head, "No", she started, stopping them in their tracks, "Audrey went straight for the crown so I think it's safe to assume she's gonna go for Ben and his castle next. That's where we'll go", she told them.

Uma crossed her arms and stepped towards her annoyed, "Says who?", she asked. Giselle stepped towards her with the same amount of annoyance, "Says me", she told her. Uma scoffed, "Says you. And that's supposed to mean something to me?", she asked ready to start a fight. Evie looked at the two girls desperately, "Guys", she begged them to stop fighting. Giselle took a breath to steady herself, "To the castle", she told them and walked off, the rest of the VKs following her.


"Ben!", Giselle called out as they all walked down the halls of the castle. Dude started running down the hallway, "This way!", he yelled out to them. Giselle sighed, "Ben could be asleep anywhere", she said worried about her fiance. Celia shrugged, "Or turned to stone", she added, making Evie cover her mouth before she said anything else that worried the girl. Gil placed a hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry, sis. We'll find him", he promised her with a small smile. Giselle gave her brother a small smile in return before they continued down the hall, "Ben!", she yelled out.

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