Day6 As Your Tutor

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While he's actually pretty smart, you guys always get distracted with some random meme your friend sends you during the tutoring sessions. You guys spend more time laughing at memes than you guys do getting work done. But eventually, You get everything done but you believe Jae didn't help as much which he fakes his offense because knows dang well he's one great tutor. And you have to admit, he's really fun to be around.


He's almost like a teacher. Except WAY more patient. No matter how many questions you ask, he'll answer them all without getting annoyed. Off task? He'll remind you to continue your work nicely. Refusing to the do the work? Let's just say he might yell at you but most of the time he'll convince you but offering to buy you a meal depending on how long it takes for you to finish the work. All in All, he's not too strict, but try not to push all his buttons. He's scary when mad.

Young K

He's like Sungjin, teacher-like. He's a really nice guy and all but when you first met him, you thought he was going to yell at you with every wrong problem so you were really scared of him. But after a few weeks, you warmed up to him and eventually you guys could have easy conversations even when he wasn't tutoring you. He's very smart and a very good explainer to the point you were doubting he was in the same grade as you. But you were thankful you found someone Like him to tutor you


Very kind and patient when it comes to teaching you, but there are actually many times you ask him a question about math and he scans over it and goes "Shoot I haven't learned this yet." Wonpil was in a a different math class than you so he didn't focus on the same things you did. You eventually had to teach HIM the problem for him to teach you. Things like this happen often but you two don't let it get in your way.


Dowoon is actually a grade younger than you. Nevertheless, he's extremely smart and takes all the advanced classes that are almost impossible for you. He didn't want to tutor but his mom promised to pay him money if he offered to tutor a student in need. That's how he met you. You guys were awkward at first, no words exchanged between you two unless he had to explain a question. But as time passed, you two started talking more and became close friends. (p.s you also protect him from his fangirls

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