you want her attention

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The sound of Kaylee's laughter echoed throughout the room as you walked through the door. You saw her sitting on the couch with her phone in her lap and her earbuds in her ears, giggling along to some kind of funny video on her phone.

You slid off your shoes and put your keys in the dish by the door. Your heart swelled with love as she continued to laugh and stare at her phone; completely oblivious that you had arrived home.

"Hey, sunshine. I'm home!" You said as you plopped down beside her. You stared at her, waiting for her to yank out one of her earbuds and lean over to give you a hug or a kiss like she always does when you get home. It always warms your heart! It's your remedy for any grueling day and always tends to make your smile a little brighter on every good day.

But she didn't move. She didn't even look at you. She was too distracted to even notice that you were home. So, you tried again.

"Kaylee?" You called her name and giggled as you waved your hand in front of her face. But she still didn't look your way. The laughter just continued to fall from her lips continuously and as much as you adored the sight of her eyes crinkled and her beautiful smile, you really needed some time with her after the day you'd had.

"Kaylee!" You laughed as you pulled one of her earbuds out, which finally made her look your way. She gasped when she noticed you sitting beside her. She pulled the other one out and locked her phone before she was throwing her arms around you.

"Y/N! I missed you today! When did you get home?" She asked as she let her cheek fall to your shoulder. Her lips brushed against your shoulder and you giggled in response.

"A few minutes ago. You would've noticed if you weren't so distracted." You teased.

She lifted her head and cupped your chin in the palm of her hand to bring you in for a soft kiss. "Sorry, darling. I'm happy you're home and I hope your day was wonderful! Tell me about it."

You shook your head, and she frowned. You saw that pout forming on her lips so you quickly kissed it away. Soft sighs spilled from your lips as she deepened the kiss just a little and looped her arms around your neck.

"I meant no because I'm home now and I'd much rather spend my time getting to give you all the kisses and love I possibly can instead of talking about my day." You explained and felt your heart started to beat faster in your chest when she smiled against your lips.

"Sounds good to me." She said, eyes sparkling as she stared into your own before closing them again and cupping your cheek to resume kissing you more.

Kaylee Bryant Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now