The talk with the Minister.

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After Harry with help from Ron tell told them all about How hermione was taken, tortured and forced to take on the Phoenix Flame. Their work convincing Deatheaters onto the their side. Doing that they were able to plan and execute Hermione's escape. How when word that the Ministry of Magic captured her that voldemort planned on getting her back again to try to convince her to his cause. So the Order planned to stop him before he had a chance. That they wanted to stop him with no casualties or with little. But their plans were altered when someone closed the apperation and flu points. Causing people to crowd the Atrium. So Harry jumped in to try to get the crowd back and battle Voldemort himself.

While they told their story Scrimgeour and the Group of Aurors listened.

"She keep refusing to share her curse with him." Kingsley said in his deep voice. "Even with being tortured. So this contradict the concept that the curse is always in dark witches or wizards."

"It seems so." An Auror with a squeaky voice put in. "I think we should use the girl to our advantage." Harry and Ron began to protest but the Auror held up.his hand to stop them. "Listen. I did not say in prison her but have her write about what power she has. This will better inform the wizarding world about it and allowing us to determine if future curse holders should be given the permission to carry the curse."

"Yes Phil that all sounds good in theory but where can we place her where she wont burn anything down?" An Auror tapping her finger on the table to emphasize her words.

"Hogwarts where we can keep an eye on her along with Dumbledore" A small Auror put in.

"And have the school burned down" the Auror before spat.

"Actually Hermione has been practicing controlling it, And she has gotten rather good at it" Harry put in. "And if she is at the school she can teach anyone that may have the curse to control it."

"I thunk we should lock her up for good." A grumpy looking Auror said.

"Now what good would that do?" Phil asked. "If we do that we can never learn from her. She'll.never want to talk to us if we place her in Azkaban."

"After hearing Harry and Ron's side of the story. we should question Hermione and see if everything matches up. And if it does, we should place Hermione under the watchful eye of Dumbledore. Have her record what she has found and learn from it. So if we have. A case where another person has the curse we can seal it until they are eighteen, in which they can decide what they want to do." An Auror with a soft voice put in leaning forward a bit looking at each person in turn. Her eyes landing on Scrimgeour at the end of her speech.

The room went silent, all eyes now trained on the Minister. Scrimgeour looked at his clasp hands. He seemed to be thinking it over.

"Julie has a good idea. We should question Hermione of the events happening when she turned eighteen to now to see it the boys story matches up. And if it dose I think we should do what You said Julie. gathering information to better understand this will be beneficial to deciding if we can allow others with the curse." He stood up. "Now get some Aurors down there and question her again. And don't send Jacob, he seems to be to afraid of her calming she used magic and tried to catch him on fire."

With that Scrimgeour left. Harry and Ron breathed a sigh of relief. The plan I still going smoothly. Now they have to hope Hermione heard everything that was said at the staged duel.

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