The Execution.

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The morning of Hermione's transfer, Everyone took there places. They had different place on different levels to Alarm people of the on going Duel between Harry and Voldemort. Everyone had a DA coin so they know when Hermione entered the atrium.

Meanwhile Hermione was shaken awake by Tonks.

"Wake up." She said loudly. Hermione opened her eyes.

"What is happening" She said tiredly as she sat up rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Transfer" Tonks said. Then in a whisper. "Listen we have a plan to get you out and to fake you-know-who's death and hopefully get a lot of people from going to Azkaban. Just remember to no killing and you-know-who and Harry are acting."

Hermione nodded as Tonks led her put of her cell to join a large group of Aurors. The group made their way to the atrium. And as soon as the last Auror went through the door entering the Atrium chaos broke out. Loud wild screams echoed off the walls.

"It him" Many yelled.

"How did he get in?"

People were doing what they could to run. Someone triggered the blocks to the disapperation and flu points. Aurors were running twords the cause of the commotion.

"STAY BACK" Harry bellowed making everyone stop and look. "NO ONE INTERRUPT US IT WILL JUST BE ME AND HIM."

"Always a stupid boy trying to stay in the spotlight" Voldemort spat. He was transfigured to his former snake like appearance.

The atrium became so quiet all you could hear is Voldemort and Harry's shoes clicking against the tiled floor as the circled each other. Soon people filed into the atrium upon hearing from the others that the duel between Voldemort and Harry was happening.

"So boy are you ready to die?" Voldemort asked. "You have a thorn in my side from age one. Now you have somehow convinced nearly all of my Deatheaters to turn spy. I would guess that is how you knew I was coming here."

"Yes I knew. I also know how you kidnapped Hermione to try to get her to share her Phoenix Flame. You tortured her. And then when she wouldn't give in you called the ministry on her. Now she has to go to Azkaban because you forced the Phoenix flame out of her and now she cant get the binding spell cast so she can live normal life." Harry said angrily.

"Yes and now I have come to get her again and maybe another batch of torturing, will have her come to the conclusion to accept me as a mate." Voldemort jeered.  "Maybe I can take you too and let you hear her screams before I kill you."

"YOU WONT TAKE ANYONE" Harry yelled.

At the same time the both shot a spell at each other their spell meeting in the center of them where it sparked. Both held their wands tightly trying to get their spell to over power one another. Both wands began to vibrate. But soon Harrys spell became stronger and as soon as it was about to hit Voldemort (Looking to bystanders that the spell hit voldemort).He burst into flame leaving behind ashes and a chard pair of black robes. So far every thing was going to plan.

After a moment of silence, the crowd around them a burst into Applause and cheers.

"Well that was an unusual turn of events." Tonks said next to Hermione. "Boss what should we do with the prisoner?"

"B-bring her back to her cell here we have to get this all-" The Auror paused. "Well you three take her down. If Potter and you-know-who are telling the truth then- Just go"

Tonks nodded and guided hermione along with the two other Auror's out of the atrium and back down to her cell.

People up in the Atrium were cheering and making their way to congratulate Harry on his victory. Auror's trying to make it to Harry to pull him aside for questioning about what was said.


At his words the the crowd parted to allow Harry escorted by the Auror's to exit the atrium. All cheering as he walked by. A few even tried to touch Harry. Harry just smiled and waved allowing himself to be escorted by the Auror's. Ron eventually made it through the crowed to Harry.

"We did it mate." He smiled.

"Thanks to you" Harry said in a low voice so the Auror's around them did not hear.

"Do you think his confession will be enough to free Hermione?" Ron asked.

"Do hope so" Harry sighed.

They walked into a larg room with a long table where the Aurors sad leaving a empty seat at one end of the table.and having Harry sit at the other end with Ron next to him. They did not have to wait long before the Minister of magic came in.

"Congratulations Harry on your victory." Rufus Scrimgeour Said limping up to Harry holding a had put for him to shake.

"Thank you." Harry shook Scrimgeour hand. "This is Ron Weasley he had a part in convincing a lot of Deatheaters to our side." Harry gestured at Ron. Ron quickly stood up.

"Great Thank you for that." Scrimgeour Shook Ron's hand.

"Now lets discus all the events that had taken place" Scrimgeour said as he walked to his seat. "Now Harry start at the beginning."

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