The kindness and Harrys rage.

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Hermione was enjoying her moments alone. It is great knowing that she does not have a babysitter anymore. Though on some days when she gets bored while Voldemort was out doing Voldemort things(Hermione never asked because she did not want to know.)  She would find a Deatheater and convince them to do some comical things. Like one she had him dance a rather clumsy ballet.
Voldemort caught her and yelled at her for a bit oh how she should not make his Deatheater act in such a way.

She also has been noticing changes in Voldemort. Its like slowly he has become more and more as if his conscience has finally woken up. He has been torturing people less for small things. His patience has seemed to grow.
They were walking the halls heading to the library to read up on some theories that they were going over.  When they heard fighting further down the hall. As they came closer a door burst open, a man flew out landing on Voldemort. Hermione looked wide eyed as the two got up. Rodolphus stood in the door shocked and scared. When Voldemort and Rabastan stood up. Rabastan backed away bowing low.
"I sorry my Lord, Please forgive me"

"What were you two doing" Voldemort said in. aunatrral calm voice given the situation.

"Er.. you see my Lord. We just got in a bit of a disagreement." Rabastan answered keeping his head down.

"Go on" Voldemort said still in his calm voice that was starting to unnerve the other three. Seeing the two mens confused expressions Voldemort elaborated. "What was the disagreement about?"

"Rodolphus tells me I should marry to produce and heir to carry on the family name. But I retorted that he's the one to talk since Bella has not produced him an heir yet and that's when he blasted me through the door. My Lord."

Voldemort mulled that over. And Hermione stood just waiting for his angry out burst. "You both are quite right. Rabastan you too need to find a women to produce an heir to allow the family name to continue. Rodolphus you need to work on producing an heir to. We don't need a respectable pureblood line to die out like that."

With that Voldemort just continued to walk to the library. leaving a shocked and confused Hermione and two Deatheaters.

"That calm was almost more terrifying thin his rage" Hermione mumbled continuing to followed Voldemort.

One day Voldemort came back rather disheveled and sat on the couch next to a reading Hermione.

"I have to tell you something. Don't get angry until you have heard the whole of the story" Voldemort sighed looking over at Hermione, who sat her book down and looked at him. "My Deatheaters have captured Harry Potter"

Hermione's Face contorted with rage. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN. YOU PROMISED. YOU PROMISED TO LEAVE HIM ALONE." She yelled tears stinging her eyes.

"I asked them to capture him with out hurting him and now he is here on the dungeons" He held up a had at Hermione to silence her before she retorted. "We heard rumors that he was looking for you. He came quietly without a fight knowing that you were here. He's been telling us he knows the truth and wants to talk to you before we let him go."

"Really?" Hermione could not believe it. Harry her best friend believed her and still wants to talk to her. "This isn't some cruel joke is it?"

"Do you want to go alone?" He said ignoring her remark.

"Yes its probably for the best if I did"  She rose from the couch. And made her way down to the dungeons.

She took a calm in breath while changing her eyes to the normal brown as not to scare him. Opening the door she spotted him across the room was he was disheveled but not hurt. She nearly burst into tears at the sight of him. Harry looked up when he heard the door open and looked at Hermione. She had changed but not to much she was not unrecognizable.

"Harry why did you come here?" She sighed. She was so happy to see him, but she did all this to keep him away from Voldemort and his followers. "I did this to protect you." She nearly sobbed the rest of her words. She could not believe Harry was here.

Harry stood up. He looked at her with a hurt expression.


More tears rolled down Hermione's face at his words. Harry was more hurt then angry at her. "Harry I did it to keep you and the Weasley's safe. I made him promise to not go after any of you." Hermione sobbed falling to her knees. She could not stand to see the hurt in Harry's eyes. She did this for them.

Harry knelt down next to her and placed his arm over her shoulders.
"I know but I wish you told me," He saw Hermione start to protest. "With words not a letter."

"I wanted to really. But you saw how the others reacted after I asked them about it. Imagine if actually told them about me having the power" She sighed. "I bet they all hate me now. With all the stuff the Daily Prophet has been saying"

"They did but after I explained it to Ginny she helped me with everyone else. luckily we had that letter from the Ministry you got the day you left. That helped us show reason to the others. They are hurt you came running to Voldemort but after I repeated what you said on the train they understood how scared you were to tell us."

"Oh Harry" She cried as she hugged Harry causing them to fall. "Thank you"

"Your one of my best friends. It is kinda in the job description" He laughed as they both got up. "But if something like this happens make sure to tell me. I will listen. Your my best friend, my sister."

"Your the best. Now let me go ask Voldemort if I can bring you back home" She smiled.

"Can I go with you to see him?" He asked timidly.

"Sure. But please don't do anything stupid" Hermione said sternly. "I dont want you or him hurt."

"Now when have I done anything stupid?" He asked grinning.

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