Chapter 3

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"What's up, you don't seem happy?" He asked. I looked up.

"I was fine till you got here, can't a girl have her privacy while she's on her balcony?" I asked. He looked a bit surprised at my answer, "what's the matter, cat got your tounge?" I asked when he didn't answer. I got up and walked into my room.

I closed the door then leaned my back against it. I breathed out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I hated being mean to him, his face though, his poor little face. He looked so hurt.

Everything whooshed into my mind, just like at the start of the day as I turned around to see him still standing there, staring at me, he didn't move. It started to rain and I stood there frowning, wondering when he was going to go inside.

He didn't move so I went outside and pushed him into his room. I didn't want him to get wet. He could catch a cold.

I walked back into my room and closed the curtains. I got ready for the next day and then went to sleep.

I woke up to my alarm clock. I groaned and got up, turning my music player on and opening my curtains to see Freddy getting changed, I quickly closed the curtains and made a little gap, where I could see.

I felt a little pedoish watching him so I walked away and got dressed myself.

When I was done, love me harder by Ariana grande came on and I turned it up a bit. Now it was quite loud. I opened my door and went back inside.

I was singing along. "You're a really good singer you know" Freddy said from his balcony. I scowled at him as I finished singing. The song say something came on. This was the song that reminds me of when he never picked up the phone.

"Say something I'm giving up on you" I sang.

By the end of the song I was crying. "What's the matter?" he asked.

I glared at him and ran into my bathroom. I cleared. eyes and decided that since I was in there I should put my make up on now instead of later.

I walked out looking refreshed.

I went down stairs and my mum looked at me, yet again, she was not happy with my outfit. I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, with my converse.

"Hi mother" I greeted. "Hello" she said. "Maya moo" she started

"Maya" I corrected.

"Maya. I got a call from your teachers already." She said.

"Why?" I asked. "They said you were miss behaving" she replied.

"But, I did do all my work" I pointed out. She sighed.

"Maya, just because you did all your work doesn't mean it doesn't matter if you mess around" she said. I rolled my eyes.

"Well this is who I am" I said before grabbing an apple and walking out of the kitchen towards the front door. " She used to be such a sweet kid" I heard her mutter before I reached the door.

"Yeah well I grew up" I shouted as I was outside. I turned around to see Freddy staring at me, looking concerned.

"are you ok?" He asked.

"I'm fine this happens every morning. I get a lecture about what im wearing or my behavior and she always manages to fit in her famous line" I explained with a sigh.

"And her famous line is...?" He asked.

"She always has to say 'she was such a sweet kid'" I explained.

He chuckled, "well, it's true" I glared at him before walking to the edge of the road. I waited for Zach to come. (My boyfriend)

He text me an hour ago telling me he was coming to school today and would pick me up, but his twin sister would be coming too, yes, twin.

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