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Jugheads POV
Dad and I were packing up our bikes. We were riding them while the rest of the crew would be in their cars. "You sure you want to do this, Jughead boy, you messed up this girls life."  "Dad, I'm sure, at the very least I want to apologize, she didn't deserve this, what we.....I did."  We finish packing our stuff and head on the road.

After 4 days of hotels and driving we reach Alexdale. It's very small and it a lot like Riverdale. We step in to a local restaurant call "Happies". As we all enter everyone stops and stares at us. Then people start whispering and pointing at me. We take our seat and our waiter comes by. He looks about our age, maybe a little older and he just glared at me. "Welcome to happies what can I get you." He says coldly. After we all order I notice him pull out his phone and steps outside. "I'll be right back" I say and follow him.

"Betts, hi, look their all here,.......yes all of them even him...... get you and JJ out of here..... no you can't stay...... I know you can't but...... ok ok.... I will...... bye" he turns around and sees me. I'm standing in my black letter serpent jack, white tank, and dark pants. He looks startled. "So who was that?" "N-nobody important to you." We stare at each other and then the rest of the gang appears. "Jug what's going on?" "He knows Betty, Charles."

Every stares at him and then he bolts away. Charles and my dad chase after him and catch him. "Look we don't want trouble we just want to talk to Betty." I say. "Well she doesn't want to talk to you, any of you, she told me everything, cheating boyfriend, backstabbing friends, mother who doesn't care, I know it all." He says making me angry. "Who's JJ?" When I ask him this he looks taken back. He stays silent until I say. "I herd you say get you and JJ out, I'll ask again who's JJ?!"

Just then a car pulls up. As we look to see who steps out we are all surprised to see Betty. She's never looked more beautiful. Her body grew a little in the year she been gone, her hair is a little longer and not in its ponytail. "Let him go Jughead," she says and I listen. He runs back inside and it's just us. "Betts" I say making her cringe. "What are you guys doing here?" "We came to see you, we were so wrong Betty, you didn't deserve what we...what I did to you, you trusted me and I abused it, all I want is that chance to apologize." I say. Everyone else is silent and I notice they were staring in her car. She walks back and as she walking she says. " you known why I can't forgive you.." she opens the door and what I see makes my heart stop.

I see a little baby girl with blond hair and blue eyes and a Bennie like mine in her head. "This is Juliet Jones, JJ for short. She your daughter." She says and walk into the diner. I sink down in my knees and just say silent. I have a daughter

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