His arrows and bow splayed out around him and any other time he would have cursed and quickly checked if any of the arrows where broken.

This time though he was in too much pain to even think clearly. Blackness covered his vision and he stumbled as he tried to stand, immediately getting a strong nauseous feeling in his tummy –yes, tummy, don’t judge him ok-

He shook his head, clearing his vision –thought not completely successful- and froze as he heard the shuffling of feet and the guard’s voices just above the hole.

He moved as rapidly as he could with the way he was feeling and ran over to Kendra, which he spotted sprawled out a two or three meters from him.

With a nagging feeling tagging at his heart like puppet strings he pulled her deeper into the shadows, out of the guards view.

“What are we going to do?” He heard one of the guards’s ask his comrades.

“We’re going to have to jump in a catch them else the boss gets mad at as.”

“No way man, we have no idea how deep it is we could break our bones!” Hum, so maybe they’re not as stupid as I thought they were. Hunter mussed.

“But if we don’t the boss will have out heads!”

“We can just tell him we lost them. He’ll still get mad but maybe not as mad as he would get if we told him we knew were they where and just left them there.”

The sound of someone sighing heavily was overheard and then, “fine but I have a bad feeling about this.” The shuffling of feet was heard once again and then it was silent.

A breath he hadn’t even realised he was holding escaped his lips and he relaxes against the stone wall he had unconsciously leaned against.

The sound of breathing beside him reminded him that he wasn’t alone a he quickly set to work on inspecting Kendra. He looked her over searching for any bruises or darkening of skin that looked suspicious, making sure that she wasn’t bleeding internally or bleeding at all for a matter of fact. Not that he really would be able to tell if she was bleeding internally but he still felt better knowing he at least had checked. Then he felt her arms, head and legs, feeling for any bones that were out of place or broken. When he reassured himself that she was fine the feeling that had been clutching at his heart faded away.

With a tired exhale he got up and went about collecting his arrows and once again tying them around the piece of clothing he had ripped from one of the dead guy’s clothes. Then he picked up his bow a slung it around his neck.

I really need to find a better way to carry around my arrows, this is just annoying.

Walking back to Kendra he picked her up with a huff, “come on sweet cheeks we better get moving again.”

Great that it, I’m going crazy; this is the final sign of someone going crazy, speaking to unconscious girls.

Before he began walking he finally took a proper look around the hole. In his haste of hiding from the guards and checking if Kendra was ok, he hadn’t taken the time to look around.

Now that he did though he realised that one, he couldn’t simply climb out and two, the hole was not just a hole but a cave. Spinning around slowly, taking in the cave’s details the first thing he noticed was obviously the skeleton across him!

Waking warily towards him –he was pretty sure it was him- he poked his head with one of his bows, jumping back when it fell off.

“Shit! Sorry, sorry, here let me fix that,” hastily picking up the dead guy’s head he tried to put it back on him but froze when he acknowledged what he was doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2012 ⏰

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