the one with the prom video.

Start from the beginning

They sit back down and looked down at Jack "well, Jacky. It's not like you haven't kissed a boy" Sam said winking at him. Jacks face quickly became the color of a tomato ah shit he thought as he cleared his throat "n-no I haven't.." Sam giggled and nodded "um yes you have! I caught you and Fin-" Jack quickly shook his head interrupting him "nuh uh! not true!" Colby nodded "Jack and Finn sitting on the tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Corey said making Jack blushed deeply "g-guys not like it going to work out anyways.." Jack said getting up from the couch

"no no no. wait what do you mean not work out" Sam said grabbing Jacks wrist. He flinched but tried not making a face of pain from the self harm he did last time. Colby looked at him confused. He knew how it was like, since he had a rough past. "why did you- Jack come here" Jack started to panic on the inside until his phone ringed "oh! ha do here that?! I need to go! I um"

Sam took his hand off Jack as Jack quickly went outside to answer the phone.

"what the-" Colby sighed he knew something was wrong with that kid. Every time it seems to get worst and worst. He doesn't want that child to end up like he ended up.

Colby got up from the couch giving Sam a small peck on the cheek, "hey Tara can i talk to you real quick?" Tara nodded getting up as they both went to a room where no one was.

"I know you and Jack are more you to each other a lot" Colby said as Tara nodded smiling "yup! like besties"

"yeah, so do you know anything? Like had he...had he done anything bad to him self like self harm or anything?" Tara cleared her throat "um no.."

"I knew it! what is it tell me! I want to help him. Please Tara."
Tara sighed and nodded "well..I cough him doing pills literally-"

"holy shit really?" Colby sighed "I need to talk about this with Sam first then see what happens.

But they didn't know Jack was on the stairs hearing their conversation, he quietly went up to his room and got all of the blades and pills he looked around not knowing where to put everything "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" He went over to his small black backpack putting everything there.

He grabbed his phone and called Finn, Finn quickly answered the call knowing it was Jack.

Finn : Hey! What's Sup?
Jack : Finn i need your help..
Finn : what happened?
Jack : Can you come you my house? So we can talk about it?
Finn : yes of course I'll be there! Bye
Jack : Bye..

Jack quickly turned off his phone and quietly went downstairs. He got out of the house and waited outside for Finn. what was he going to tell him? oh I have drugs and blades I don't want to get in trouble so can you do this for me?!

That sounded stupid af. He rolled his eyes at him self. After twenty minutes passed he saw Finn, he quickly opened the gate and let him in.

"I...Finn" Finn looked at him concerned "what's wrong jack?.." Jack took a deep breath and looked away from Finn. "I...I got depressed...everything that has been happening to me, has not been the greatest thing...and I started doing drugs...taking pills I don't even know what they are.." Finns eyes got wide open "Jesus Christ Jack" Jack sighs and scratched the back of his head "and now...I startled cutting my self"

"wait what?" Finn rubbed his face and sighed "Jack...I'm to me! don't do this to your self! you can die...self harm you're slowly killing your self. Or from bleeding to much! Or or...overdose by the drugs you do!" Jack felt like crying, he knew That Finn was right. But that just wasn't the way he does things.

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