• Overprotective (SNO) •

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Since im already getting bored i might aswell make a oneshot over The True Alpha's

The normal sounds that can be heard in Ashborne arguing, singing and talking, both Austin and Rian were at it again arguing about something dumb, both Devin and Bri were practicing they're music and there's Pierre who was talking a wait.. bird? yeah Pierre's talking to a bird

"Your stupid!" "No your stupid!" both Rian and Austin argued both of them declining what the other had said, both Devin and Bri had finished and Pierre had left to Packhaven so Bri and Devin were stuck listening to both Rian and Austin argue

"Should we stop them or something?"Bri asked glancing over at the tall guy beside him who was known as the Devil's son, Devin "Should we?"He asked, The multicolored haired girl known as Bri was quite annoyed until she had a small experiment to test on the True Alpha's

Devin had noticed how her face had changed to being annoyed to smirking which had cause him to be slightly scared of what Bri was planning "Hey Devin?"Bri looked up at him as she turned into a bat to fly up to his ear and whisper something to him, she had turned back to normal as Devin had an unsure face on

"You sure this is a good idea? i feel like im going to get killed i mean, Austin will surely commit murder if he hears what is our plan"He said slight unsure of the plan they are doing "Go tell Rian about the plan so he wouldn't feel heartbroken alright?"Devin sighed as he nodded walking towards the True Alpha's who were still arguing

His face turned serious as an act "Rian?.."Both Rian and Austin had stopped and looked at him "Hm? Yeah Devin?" "Can i talk to you for a second?.."He asked, Rian's face turned worried seeing how the mood had dropped down and how Devin's voice was different, more serious and more sad meanwhile Austin had a face of suspicion, he knew how the mood dropped and he didn't like it, not one bit

"Sure?"Devin walked towards the tree in the middle of Ashborne as he walked to the other side where both Bri and Austin wouldn't see them, Rian looked at Austin with an unsured face as he looked at him with the same face too before Rian had walked away following Devin

"Soo, what do you wanna talk about?" Devin's face and the mood had changed and became normal which suprised Rian a bit "Well, Bri had an experiment to test with both you and Austin but its mostly just Austin" Rian now looked confused as Devin started explaining the whole plan

"This is literally one of the worst ideas Bri has ever made" Rian said as he giggled knowing how this will go "Yep, now can you go and tell Austin?" Devin said as Rian nodded, both of them made a serious face as they let the mood drop, Rian looked like he was about to cry which had suprised Bri who was sitting on top of the tree at how convincing it is

Rian walked over to Austin, ears and tail down as he had his head down, Austin had noticed this and jumped off the roof he was sitting on "Rian? What's wrong?" his voice hinted a bit of worried "Devin.."Austin looked confused whatever Devin must've done then it had caused some major impact on Rian, he thought

"Broke up with me.."fake tears formed in his eyes as Austin looked shock before his face turned into full anger, he clunched his fist as he felt his blood boiling, Rian was suprised at how angry Austin felt "I'll be right back alright Rian? im going to go and gut someone like a fish.."he muttered the last part as he walked away

Bri and Devin looked down up at Austin walking away before they're face turned scared "We definitely did a big mistake.."Devin said looking down "Yeah.. you should probably go and hide before he rips you apart into shreds.."Austin's ears perked up hearing both Devin and Bri at the top of the tree

"DEVIN GET DOWN HERE!"He yelled as Devin, Bri and Rian's face turned immediately scared, Rian knew Austin was going to get angry but he didn't thought Austin would go and murder Devin, he heard all of Austin's thoughts as all he was thinking was how to tear Devin into shreds

Devin and Bri got down scared to see the Hellhound infront of them who's eyes were glowing bloody red which had shown so much anger "Why. Did. You. Break. Up. With. Rian." he demanded answers

Rian ran up to them "Okay Austin chill! Bri had made an expirement, if one of us are going to be Overprotective of each other during a break up, I didn't expect you to go on killing over this!"Austin looked confused his eyes turned back to normal, all the anger fading "So your telling me the break up is fake?"

The three nodded fast as Austin sighed "Bri i gotta say you took my job! im supposed to be the one with bad ideas over here!"Austin argued with sass as both Devin and Rian's face immediately turned into scared to laughing "Hey atleast mine was much better still!" Bri argued back as Austin and Bri continued to sass with each other on who had the much worst ideas as both Rian and Devin watched the two argue

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