Chapter 6

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Cas ran and he did not stop for anything. He tried to stay off the road as much as possible without getting lost. His legs hurt so bad he couldn't feel them anymore and his chest heaved with every breath he took. His lungs yearned for a break and his throat was crying for water. Cas' legs finally gave out and he collapsed in a field of tall grass. He sobbed against the uneven ground and shakily pressed fingers to his lips. The touch, the taste of Dean on his mouth was something deep down he always knew he wanted but never truly realized until it was too late.

"Dean," he cried.

Get to the bunker.

So Cas got up, and he kept running.


"We have not come to dance, Dean Winchester."

"We know you have Castiel so just hand him over and you can walk away."

"He needs to be punished for what he's done to us."

"We've come to kill him."

Dean looked at the four angels in front of him. All were stood with their blades out and intentions to fight. God am I outnumbered. "No one's gonna lay a finger on Cas. Besides I don't have him so that means he's not here. And that also means you guys are the only ones gettin' split."

"You really think you can stop all four of us while still keeping your life? How heroic."

"Stupid maybe."



"Do you guys have to talk like that? One after another in an 'I-think-I'm-menacing' way?" they all stared at him. Dean shrugged. "Okay I guess it's gankin' time."

The first angel that lunged at Dean was just about the poorest choice for a vessel. He was a short stout man that had sluggish movements. Dean easily sidestepped him, shoving the blade through his back. "That's it? You're gonna send Danny Devito on me and hope he gets the job done? This isn't the Lorax."

A woman stepped forward this time and swung with her blade. Dean caught her and tried pointing the end away from his face before shoving it back into her stomach. He didn't have any time for snide remarks though as he turned sideways to dodge the other two's blades. One caught his side as he felt his skin open. "Agh," he gasped as he clutched the wound.

"Give him up."

"We can take him off your hands."

They were circling around Dean now and inching closer. "You'll never find him. He's long gone." They both lunged at him at the same time. He barely jumped out of the way and watched as the two incidentally stabbed their blades into each other. They fell to the ground in a heap. Dean clutched his side again and looked at the blood on his hand. "Snooze you lose," he spat at the lifeless bodies.

He turned and looked in the direction Cas went. He sighed before painfully trekking back to the bunker. "Cas," he said, "I don't know if you can hear these anymore but I'm coming. I'm coming for your ass and you better be in that bunker safe and sound when I get there. Or I'm gonna kill you. Okay, good."

Dean had to take several breaks between every other mile. His side would cramp as he walked, and his breathing would become ragged if he didn't sit down for a few minutes. His head was throbbing and his sweat kept dripping into his eyes. He felt himself cursing as the day dragged on and his legs only wobbled more. He found himself pushing through the pain and ignoring his aches because he needed to get to Cas. He needed to kiss him silly and call him an idiot for putting a bounty on his head. He would do all these things because Cas was safe and okay. He just was. Dean knew it.

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