Paparazzi -- MGG

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Summary - Matthew tries to look cool for paparazzi.... tries.

Word Count - 900


Matthew came bursting through the door of our home, slamming it behind him and leaning his head against it.

"Are you alright honey?" I walked over, pulling him from the door and examining his face. His forehead held a sheen of sweat, and his cheeks were a bit flushed, I would guess from running.

"Just got bombarded by paparazzi! They found me at the park with Edgar." He held the dog leash up, which had *nothing* attatched to it. Come to think of it.

I couldn't even see the last half of the leash.

In Matthew's rush, he had shut Edgar's leash in the door. I lightly shoved him away from the door, taking the leash from his hands. I opened the door to see a patient Edgar wagging his tail and panting on our front porch.

"Oh Edgar. Daddy is sorry! I was getting sick of the pictures." He said in a baby voice, picking up our small black pug and holding him tightly in his arms. I rolled my eyes with a smirk and shut the door behind them again.

"Are you gonna be that nice to our kids? Or are they gonna get locked out too?" I pinched his side as he ventured to the kitchen. He yelped with a chuckle.

"Okay. One *time* I lock Edgar out. I'm never gonna live this down am I?" He wrapped his arm around my waist, using the other to hold our puppy who was *desperately* reaching for the treat jar located on the counter. He set our foreheads together, bumping his nose into mine and staring into my eyes.

"Never gonna live it down." I said, kissing his nose and reaching for the treats on the counter. I gave Edgar two small bites and closed the jar tightly. We had already experienced what happened when we *didn't* do that.

**A few weeks ago**

*I brought our new puppy Edgar inside, letting his paws click against the woods floors of our home.*

*There was no hesitation in him jumping right into his oversized doggy bed we had bought him just a day before. We had bought him everything a puppy could need. Plus a large jar of treats placed on our counter. Matthew smiled down at him, playing with his little ears.*

*"Hello Mr. Poe!" He pat his head as Edgar licked his arms, then jumping right into them. We had quickly learned that he was quite a good jumper, especially for how small he was.*

*We left the room for a moment, just to get the dog bowl we had for him. He hadn't drank anything since we left the shelter. I could hear the skittering of his tiny paws on the ground, but I didn't worry too much. I also heard a clanking noise, but I wasn't too worried, considering I didn't hear anything shatter.*

*But I honestly wish he would have broken something instead.*

*We came back out to see that Edgar had been on the counter, and he was lapping up every single last treat out of the jar.*

*There was a lot of throwing up that day.*

"So, did they get a lot of pictures in this time?" I asked, scrolling through instagram on my phone, just waiting to see the pictures they had taken.

Yes, I do follow paparazzi for my own boyfriend. It's normal!

"Yeah, well. I kinda decided to be weird just this once for the pictures..." He set a cup of tea in front of me, along with his cup. I squinted at him.

"What do you mean weird?"

"I decided to try and look decent for the pictures, like *pose* kinda?" He tilted his head, trying to think how to word whatever he had done.

"Oh this should be good." I giggled, just then, I got a notification for one of the cameramens Instagram.

It was a picture of Matthew holding Edgar under his nose, and he was clearly smiling under the ball of fluff. That was a cute one.
The next one was him holding the puppies leash, he was out of the photo, but this is one I'm going to guess Matthew was trying to consider *cool*.

He was leaning nicely on a white picket fence, smiling like a dork, and honestly?
Yeah, it was hot. But the next picture?

*Oh* the next picture.

Matthew was falling backwards into the fence, and of course they had caught it.
*Apperantly*, the fence he was leaving on was unluckily the gate part of it. Which happened to be unlocked. There were a few pictures of him dusting himself off and then grabbing Edgar.

And then ones of him running from them.
Then trying to wave at them.

And tripping over his own feet, my klutz.
I couldn't control my laughter at this point. Matthew was standing at me with a playful scowl.

"I was genuinly trying to look cool!"

"Well, *stop* trying to look cool in paparazzi photos, you look like a dumbass." I fell from the couch laughing, holding my stomach. I was *sure* that I would have abs after this.

"Yeah yeah laugh it up." He chuckled, scrolling through the photos and shaking his head.

Oh I will.

I *will.*

Spencer Reid One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें