Knife Throwing ~~ Spencer Reid

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This was requested a lot on my tumblr and once in here so here ya go :) These are also BLURBS so they ar etylically shorter (typically)

Prompt ~ "You're bleeding all over my carpet."

For @DarlingLoveTPWK  


Knife throwing was something I had been doing for years, 12 years to be exact.

Now, it wasn't something I was weirdly *obsessed* with, but it was something I was good at. I could practically do it with my eyes closed by now. But we all know that Spencer had quite different hobbies. More calm, less dangerous, contradictory to his career. Such as reading. Whether it be a dictionary or War and Peace.

Basically the same thing if you ask me.
Or watching Doctor Who, which I also enjoyed doing.

But knife throwing was the passion.
So you could imagine Spencer's reaction when I asked if I could set up a knife throwing range in our back yard.

*"A throwing range? In the backyard?" Spencer asked, his hand held on his hip like a concerned mom.*
*"Yes! Then I don't have to go to the throwing range anymore. I have everything for it, I'll set all of it up myself." My hands were intertwined. Shaking then towards him in a begging motion.*
*"It sounds kinda dangerous y/n." His face was scrunched up now. "I don't wanna come outside silently, like I typically do, and get stabbed." He smiled just a fraction of a smile.*
*"We can put a bell on the door!" I squealed.*
*"You're lucky I love you." He pulled me into a hug.*
*"Is that a yes?"*
*"It's a yes."*

So here I was, standing in our back yard.
Throwing knives.

I had grown quite accustomed to the hobby, it would be a bit weird if I hadn't within 12 years.

So I was currently blindly grabbing my knives and throwing them at a wooden board.

20 points.

10 points.

30 points.

"Bullseye!" I yelled, excitedly reaching for another knife by my side. That's when I felt the sting. "Ouch! Shit." I had grasped my hand all the way around the sharp part of the knife, it sliced a nice gash through my palm and partially on my fingers. I turned sharply towards the house, using my non injured hand to open the door.

My hand shook violently as I entered, it burned.

"Spence! Spence!" I tried to sound calm, but my voice was raising an octave as I spoke.

"Y/n?" He rounded the corner leading to the kitchen, eyes bulging from his head as they trailed down to my hand. "Woah! What the hell happened." He rushed to my side.

"I must have set one of my knives down backwards, I just reached for it and completely grabbed the sharp side. I mean, I've cut myself doing stuff like this, but never this deep." You could barely see the cut anymore, there was a scary amount of blood pooling in my palm. I shook my hand again, as if that would cease the pain.

"Alright alright." He grabbed my hand, holding it between both of his. "You're bleeding all over my carpet." He dragged me to the bathroom while I let out a string of apologies. "Sit on the sink." He instructed as he grabbed a basket from the cupboard.

"I'm sorry babe." I winced, another wave of pain washing through my hand.

"Why are you sorry?" He laughed a bit, unwrapping the medical tape.

"Because you were right, it was kind of dangerous to set that thing up in the yard."

"If we are being honest," he looked up at me with those pretty eyes, "wouldn't you have probably done this anyway? You would have just been at the range and farther from me. I'm glad you were here so I could help you." He smiled and tightened the fabric around my palm. I pulled back from him a bit. "Hold still." He held the okay parts of my hand firmly, keeping it in place and sticking the wrap at its end.

"Thank you." A weak smile made it's way onto my face.

"Of course." He kissed my palm. "Does kissing it better still work?" He giggled.

"Kissing you in the first place fixes anything." I giggled back, bringing his lips to mine.

My Doctor.

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