Dark Days

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Hey guys! I am SO sorry I haven't been updating very much! I have just been so busy with school and everything that I haven't gotten the chance. From now on I will try my best to update at least once or twice a week! I hope you guys like this chapter!😘

I awake the next morning to the lingering smell of sweet pancakes. I sit upright and swing my legs off the couch while trying to detect where the smell is coming from.

I walk into the kitchen and find Bellamy making pancakes in his pajamas. When he sees me he smiles wide and says,

"Morning Princess"

I laugh and playfully roll my eyes at his comment. He knows I hate being called that. I grab a plate and serve myself some pancakes.

As I walk by him, I give him a peck on the cheek, and whisper, "Morning" with a smile creeping onto my lips.

I fill my plate with delicious pancakes and walk over to the kitchen table. Just as I begin shoveling forkfuls of pancake into my mouth, my phone goes off from the kitchen.

Bellamy is within a few feet of the phone so I just ask him to read the text out loud.

He walks over to the phone and picks it up. I watch him read the text, in his head and notice that his face went from happy to concerned in seconds.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

Bellamy doesn't respond. He just continues to read the text silently, slowly pausing every now and then to look up at me with a clenched jaw and disappointed eyes. I can tell he's absolutley furious. As I start walking toward him, I can see tears of rage building in his eyes. I can't tell if he is about to cry or scream.

"...Bellamy?..." I ask quietly.

All he says is "How could you?! We are through!" and then throws the phone on the granite counter and storms out into the pouring rain.

"Bellamy! No please wait!" My voice catches on the last word and before I can run after him, the car door shuts, the engine starts, and he's gone.

Before I know it tears are flooding down my face. I cannot believe what just happened. I feel like my heart has just been ripped out of my chest. Within seconds everything inside me collapses and I crumple to the floor in a ball of tears.

I try my best to pull my self together and pick the phone up to read the text.

As soon as I read the senders name, my body goes limp and my face goes pale. It's my ex-boyfriend: Finn. He has been wanting to get back together for a while now, but he hasn't yet come to the realization that it is never going to happen. He wrote me a text "saying that he loves me" for gods sake. Bellamy must have thought I still had feelings for my ex.

I am so upset that I throw my phone at the wall, shattering it into a million pieces. The tears return, and this time I'm hysteric.

I can't believe that this one single text has stripped me from my one true love: Bellamy Blake.

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